Saturday 18 December 2021



Some of you will know ('cos I've mentioned it before) that as a kid I was in love with Susan Storm.  Okay, she's married now and called Richards, but it's not a union I recognise so she'll always be Storm to me.  My ardour faded for a while when Jack Kirby changed her original hairstyle to something less glamorous, but arose, phoenix-like, when he restored her long golden locks somewhere along the line.  I've fancied her for many a year now, so when I saw the above cover on eBay a few days ago, with sultry Suzy looking all sexy and sensational, I just had to buy it - so I did!

By rights, I should've already had this comic in my collection, 'cos I had a standing order for the title with a Glasgow comics shop at the time, but occasionally they failed to fulfil my order, meaning it was sometimes necessary for me to acquire the odd issue from other sources.  I don't know why, but I'd never even seen this number's glorious cover prior to spotting it on the Internet some days back, but at least I've finally managed to add it to my vast accumulation of stuff.  Okay, it might've taken very nearly 30 years to find it (not that I was searching), but as I've surely said before, better late than never, eh?

So here's a question for all you crazy Crivvies.  Which comicbook costumed cutie were you in love with (or simply just lusted over) when you were a kid, and why?  Was it the Wasp, Marvel GirlScarlet Witch, Supergirl, Saturn Girl, Suzie, ZatannaPower Girl, or some other sensational siren that stirred your heart and made your pulse beat a little faster?  The world deserves to know, so reveal all in our comments section now!

Failing that, you can say what a great looking cover #382 has.  Except for Ben's legs being far too thick and his head being disproportionately small.

Suitably named.  My heart is 'captured' whenever I look at this pic - aptly placed on Page 3


  1. No, it can't be true! Am I the only 'paper perv' in the multiverse, or the only one brave enough to admit to it? C'mon, Crivvies - you'll feel better if you confess your childhood fantasies.

  2. Hi there, Kid,

    Although I've fell in love with severall super-heroines throughout the years, my real first love was the red hotpants Supergirl, as drawn by Curt Swan. My lust-over cover of all time was from SUPERMAN #312 (cover dated June 1977), where my beloved Mighty Damsel is being choked to death by an electric-man created by Ak-Var (if I remember correctly), and she will die, unless her super-cousin surrenders. I guess I don't have to mention how perfectly adorable Supergirl's breasts are drawn on that cover by José Luis Garcia-López (inked by Bob Oksner), nor how beautiful her blue eyes, the storm of golden hair, and those sweet parted lips look here.
    I never cared for the skirt and head-band from the 80s, and no other incarnation of Supergirl since has met my fancy (with the exception of Helen Slater's filmic turn in 1984).
    So, there you are.

  3. Ah, Helen Slater as Supergirl - what mere mortal man could resist her charms, eh? I liked Jim Mooney's version of Supergirl, as well as Kurt Schaffenberger's - and as you say, Curt Swan's version was lovely too. I'll have to look up that cover to remind myself what it looks like, but I'm sure it's a belter. Batgirl is another comics cutie I fancy, especially Carmine Infantino's version.

  4. I remember bunches of glamor-pusses (almost wrote something else) throughout my long history of comics. The Dick Sprang Catwoman is the earliest I recall, since I bought a paperback reprint of some early Batman comics following the success of the TV show-- and I found that I liked the purple and green Catwoman as much as the dark-suited temptress from the real world.

    The Infantino Batgirl is definitely another good one, and I quite liked the Legionnaire Princess Projectra, Her original costume is meant to look sort of faux-royal, and the design worked well even with so-so art.

  5. I can't quite remember what Princess Projecta looks like, GP, so I'll have to Google her. (Let's hope she doesn't report me - ho ho!) Another gal I liked was Lois Lane from her own mag in the '70s, when she wore hot-pants and long leather boots - she looked great. I'm sure there are others I've temporarily forgotten, but they'll eventually come to me.

  6. Three in particular ( ok I’m fickle). Swan Saturn Girl. Colan Black Widow from Amazing Adventures. Infantino Alanna.

  7. How could I have forgotten Colan's Black Widow, PS? Wotta darlin'. Also, when Medusa first appeared in the FF, I fancied her too. I never told Suzy though. (Or should that be Susie?)


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