Friday 10 December 2021


Blue Christmas is a song that just about everyone associates with Pelvis Parsley (that's his name, innit?), but truth to tell, he turns it into a bit of a foot tapper - even one that makes you want to dance.  (M'mm, missed the point there, Pelvis.)  So here's the man with the velvet voice, Jim Reeves, to show you how it should be done - slow, soft, sad, and soulful - just as the songwriter intended.  Pin back your lug'oles and click that arrow.


  1. There was also a version by Shakin' Stevens which reached No.2 in 1982.

  2. Yup, I remember it, CJ. Wasn't too different from Pelvis's version. Quite a few singers have covered it.

  3. Kid, that Jim Reeves album is nearly 60 years old so do you like any Christmas songs that are more modern? This week's new No.1 is called 'Merry Christmas' by Elton John & Ed Sheeran and it's very catchy and festive - have you heard it? And ABBA also have a Christmas song called 'Little Things' on their new album.

  4. It may be nearly 60 years old, CJ, but Christmas is even older. Not an Elton John fan, so dunno whether I've heard his new song or not, but I won't be buying it. I'd heard one of the ABBA songs was a 'Christmas' song, which surprised me, 'cos none of them sounded remotely Christmassy to me. The album's grown a bit on me, but I still think it's a little underwhelming overall.

  5. Kid, I'm baffled you didn't know that ABBA's 'Little Things' is a Christmas song - the lyrics are all about Christmas!

  6. My favourite track on the album is the merry Christmas polka. It makes me want to get up and dance around the christmas tree- if i had one.

  7. Well, first of all, I usually have it on in the background when I'm doing things, so I'm not always paying it strict attention. I've found, however, that when I pay it more attention, I can't make out all the lyrics because the group's enunciation isn't as clear as it might be. Now, I know that the lyrics are in the inlay leaflet, but who wants to go to the trouble of digging that out? Certainly, there was nothing about the tune which, to my ears, gave a clue as to the fact it was meant to be a Christmas song.

    For ABBA, it's not quite the album it should be.


    Isn't a Christmas tree usually placed in a corner of the room, AL? In which case, you wouldn't be able to dance around it if you DID have one.

  8. Well if i did have one I'd move it to the middle of the room every time I felt the urge to dance the merry Christmas polka. I'm sure it would be worth the effort

  9. You don't really need a tree to dance around the middle of the room though, so dance away.

  10. Kid, in my humble opinion ABBA's 'Voyage' album is a masterpiece. So there!

    Andrew L's comment (and your reply) reminds me of the song 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' by Mel Smith & Kim Wilde in 1987 (or the 1963 original by Brenda Lee if you prefer).

  11. Masterpiece is overstating it, I'd say, CJ, but it's a pleasant enough little album. Maybe it'll grow (more) on me. However, I do have difficulty with making out what they're singing in places, as they're not too clear, and the music drowns them out sometimes. Not a problem I ever have with the mighty Jim.


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