Saturday 25 December 2021


Here's my very own Christmas card, starring Big Bad Bo' (short for Boris), to all you Crivvies.  Hope you had a great day and that Santa brought you everything your heart desired (or your wallet could afford).  Merry Christmas everybody!


  1. Merry Christmas Kid, and also to all of the other regulars who post here!

  2. Ta much, DS, and to you - and the others too. (A Christmas poem.)

  3. Unfortunately I was rather ill around lunchtime and I felt very dizzy and nauseous and I even vomited a couple of times but I'm much better now. It must have been caused by my breakfast which consisted of brioche rolls with brie filling, a Cornish pasty and a chocolate Father Christmas.

  4. Marry Christmas mate

  5. I polished off a selection box, CJ, a microwave fish & chips meal, a pizza later on, choccie biccies, gallons of Cola, and all sorts of other goodies. Feel as fit as a fiddle (a 200 year old one it has to be said). Glad you feel better.


    'Marry' Christmas, PS? Are you proposing to me? (Ho ho ho!) Merry Christmas to you too.

  6. Here's wishing you some belated Christmas cheer amigo.

    Rip Off

  7. Ta, RJ, and here's reiterating the same to you. Cheers.

  8. Merry Christmas my friend and seasons greetings to all the fellow comments contributors. By the way where's this year's buxom Christmas babe to spread cheer to us all.

  9. I'll post a babe later today, LH, seeing as how you're missing your Christmas pin-up. Hope you had and continue to have a great Christmas.

  10. Merry Christmas Kid, even though it's probably a day or so late at the time of this post! I havn't been leaving comments at this, or any other blog, due to reasons outside of the blogosphere (you know, life!). It's been a tough year and I hope that the next sees things lighten up - anyway, not to brings things down - sounds like you had a merry one and here's too a Happy New year.

  11. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, PC. Hope the new job is okay and that it's satisfying your creative nature - and paying the bills with a bit to spare.


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