Sunday 26 December 2021


Two-for-one today, Crivvies - ain't you lucky!  Jim Reeves sings White Christmas and Silent Night, two of the most popular festive tunes around.  Chill out by listening to this pair of classics by the greatest balladeer of the 20th Century, who's still popular in the 21st.  Not bad going for a guy who died 57 years ago.


  1. Kid, I'm glad to see you're not one of those annoying people who thinks Christmas ends on December 25th when, of course, Dec 25th is THE START of Christmas which ends on Epiphany, January 6th.
    I suppose you know there's an extra verse to 'White Christmas' which mentions orange trees because the composer is meant to be living in California and thinking of the white Christmases of his youth. A few years ago I heard a version of 'White Christmas' which included that extra verse, playing in a supermarket.

  2. I can't remember whether I ever knew that or not, CJ - if I did, I've forgotten. However, as Bing Crosby's version of the song is perhaps the best-known one and he doesn't sing that verse, it's entirely possible I never knew.

    It's like Jingle Bells, which was originally a Thanksgiving song, not a Christmas one - though it's a Christmas one now of course. It may also have had an extra verse at one time, but I've forgotten 'cos I'm getting old.

  3. By the way, Kid, I recently watched two episodes of modern Blue Peter to see if they still include the Advent Crown on the programme, that marvellous contraption made of wire coat-hangers, tinsel and candles. I can report that the Advent Crown does indeed still feature on Blue Peter but it was only briefly shown and nobody demonstrated how to make it (at least not in the two episodes I watched anyway).

    And Blue Peter is no longer broadcast twice a week but only once a fortnight!!

  4. That's sad to hear, CJ. I can foresee a time in the not too distant future when the BBC decide to cancel it altogether. They should never have moved it from BBC 1 to the children's channel. I wonder what the presenters now do in between episodes?


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