Saturday 4 December 2021


By special request from reader CJ, here's a Christmas song to get us in the mood.  (Hey, it's only three weeks away.)  So let's now listen to the mighty Jim Reeves with his version of Mary's Boy Child.  All together now...


  1. Just played the song, Kid. My Dad was a great Jim Reeves fan, and playing the song brought back memories. Thanks.

  2. Nae bother, B, glad you enjoyed it. More to follow in the run-up to Christmas.

  3. That's a very nice version of the song.

  4. Harry Belafonte's version may be considered the 'definitive' version by many, CJ (seeing as he had a hit with it, I think), but I've been listening to Jim's album since around 1977, so every cover version he did on it is the definitive version to MY ears.

  5. Harry Belafonte's version was the Christmas No.1 of 1957 in the UK and stayed at No.1 for 7 weeks (I didn't need to google that information as I knew it from my Guinness Hit Singles books in the '80s).

    By the way, Kid, the latest Conan Epic Collection has been published if you're interested. It features Conan The Barbarian #43-59 and goes up to the point where Conan meets Belit.

  6. Yup, I'll be getting that Epic Collection, CJ, ta much. Seeing as how you bought the last ish of CTB (25/300), you should also buy the facsimile edition of CBT #1. That way, you'll have the first and the last. It was due out on the first, but I've heard it's been delayed 'til the 15th.


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