Friday 31 December 2021



Collectors are a strange breed, aren't we?  For instance, despite owning at least three or four reprints in various books and/or magazines of Conan The Barbarian #25, I recently bought the actual original issue from 1973.  John Buscema had been first choice for Marvel's new title back in 1970, but he was on a higher page rate than some other artists at the House Of Ideas, so the gig went to newbie Barry Smith instead of Big John.  CTB must've been selling well by the time Buscema took over the reins with its 25th ish, making it viable for Marvel to pay his higher rate per page, as I doubt he would've worked for less.

Anyway, I decided to buy it, as John Buscema's first ever Conan mag is a true collectors' item and it now resides in the caverns of Castel Crivens.  Being the generous sort of guy I am, I elected to share some of the images from my new acquisition with the rest of you, 'cos I like to spread joy and happiness amongst ordinary mortals other people.  (Someone once said I can do that just by leaving a room - what on earth could they mean?)  Anyway, scanned specially for you, here are some pages from John B's Conan debut.  I've also included John Severin's Kull flashback pages (I think he inked over Buscema's pencilled layouts), as they're absolutely exquisite - so get stuck in, then let's hear (read) your thoughts!


  1. As Roy Thomas as stated in a few places, John Buscema's becoming penciler of the Conan series would mean it might win fewer awards than when the bright and shiny Barry Smith was handling the chores, but he reckoned the book would sell better. It did and became one of Marvel's best and strongest books in the 70's alongside Tomb of Dracula with Gene Colan's art. Marvel was so much more than superheroes in the 70's. Now they have Conan back after foolishly letting it slide into disrepair and slip away, but they've decided the brooding Cimmerian needs to be an Avenger. Gad! I'm so glad I don't read modern comics!

    Rip Off

  2. I think Marvel lost or jettisoned their licensed properties when they went bankrupt back in the '90s, RJ, but now, with Disney behind them, they've 'reclaimed' Conan and Shang-Chi. It's a shame Smith couldn't have inked Buscema - now that would have been something worth seeing.

  3. In one of those Dark Horse Conan collections Roy Thomas said that Barry Smith couldn't draw animals very well but he said that John Buscema could "draw anything".

  4. According to John Buscema himself, CJ, he couldn't draw Popeye. (Why would he want to?) I think it's likely that he probably could draw Pops, but wasn't happy with the finished result.

  5. Given the somewhat deadly nature of the wordy Robert E Howard books, Roy Thomas did a remarkable job of adapting the plots to comic format. To do it as well as he did was clearly a labor of love.

    The Pre-Raphaelite style of Barry Smith was the perfect mate to the writing and plotting of the early Conan Comics which I don't think would have been as successful if John Buscema was in at the beginning as his Conan/Kull material was more detailed than his usual Marvel Comic style.

    Sales may have increased when Buscema was artist but that was more people were adjusting to non superhero stories. American youth liked their favourite comics and weren't too adventurous in expanding their reading.

  6. My first Marvel Conan The Barbarian comic was the next issue (26) which I still have and has remained one of a my all-time favourite comics. I can still vividly remember seeing that issue and picking it up when I was on a family long weekend holiday in Blackpool back in the day with crystal clarity.

    I remember seeing this tale (issue 25) from when it was reprinted in UK Marvel (I think it may have been the Avengers weekly, which I think I still have in the loft) and it looked good in black and white, but even better in colour. John Severin was a great artist for this type of comic and I wish he had done more as his work on “ Kull the Destroyer” (with his sister Marie) was a up there with Barry Smith and John Buscema for me. A great purchase and thanks for showing those pages they look d so fresh, I may have to look for that issue for my own collection. Conan at this time was probably my favourite comic and I managed to purchase quite a few US issues from 26 onwards. Those first 50 or so issues will never be surpassed.

    I totally agree with Rip as I was also aghast that they made Conan an Avenger it just proves that Marvel have no idea how to use Conan - if it’s not a superhero they’re lost.

    Incidentally I just posted a new thread on my blog and as requested I checked my laptop, phone and tablet immediately after I published it and my new post is showing on all these.

  7. The Kull pages were drawn by John Severin, T47, and I'm not sure if Buscema ever illustrated Kull's own title. Conan was on the verge of cancellation early on in Smith's run (after an impressively-selling first issue if I recall correctly), but then sales started to pick up. It was likely because of this that they decided to pay the extra to get Big John to take over the mag when Smith decided to give it up. Or maybe by that time Smith was on the higher rate himself, so there was no extra expense in hiring Buscema. It'll be one of those two scenarios.


    I'd heard that Conan was made an Avenger, McS, but I assumed it was a one-off, 'what if' type story, outside regular continuity. Just shows what I know, eh? You should consider buying the Conan Epic Collections because they're really good value for money. You can get each volume for under £20 on ebay, so they won't bankrupt you if you stagger your purchase of them. Commented on your new post, so ta for giving me the heads up.

  8. Conan is often said to have been Buscema's favourite book to draw, but apparently it wasn't. I heard on a podcast that he preferred drawing Ka-Zar because Conan had buildings, which apparently weren't Big John's favourite thing to draw!

  9. In 'The Art Of John Buscema' (1978), in response to the question "Which character do you enjoy doing the most?", his answer was as follows: "Conan! Conan is my favourite character. In fact, recently I asked Roy Thomas, or rather told Marvel and Roy, I'd like to do Conan exclusively. It's the only project in comics that I've ever done that I really enjoy!" So the podcast seems to be at odds with JB himself, DS.

  10. Conan has NOT joined the Avengers!! He is part of the 'Savage Avengers' based in the Savage Land. I've never read Savage Avengers so I can't say anything about it but since Conan returned to Marvel he has mainly appeared in his own Hyborian Age era in Conan The Barbarian, Savage Sword Of Conan and now King Conan.

    It's curious that the original CTB #25 was a landmark issue because it saw John Buscema's debut and the modern CTB #25 is also a landmark issue because it's the final issue (apparently) and the 300th issue of CTB since 1970.

  11. Well, that's a relief to hear, CJ. When RJ and McS said he'd joined the Avengers, it sort of rang a bell, but maybe I was thinking of the facsimile edition of What If...? from a couple or so years back, where he's brought into the present day. Or maybe I'd read he was an Avenger and just assumed it was THE Avengers.

    I suspect CTB will arise again somewhere down the line, as there's little point in licensing the character if they're not going to do anything with him long-term. Having said that, Marvel are maybe making a few bob from the Omnibus and Epic collections, so at least that's something.

  12. Well it may not be the actual Avengers comic Kid but Conan is in a regular comic where he teams up with the likes of Wolverine, Venom and the Punisher . I have an couple of issues of Savage Avengers and it pretty much reads like a standard superhero comic to me,

  13. Now I'm confused, McS. So is it set in the present day or in the past?

  14. Kid, Savage Avengers is set in the present day (I think) but as I said, I haven't read it so I don't know why or how Conan is teaming up with the likes of Wolverine and Punisher but I was making the point that Conan's Hyborian era adventures certainly haven't been neglected since he returned to Marvel. Rip's and Paul's comments imply that Marvel re-acquired the rights to Conan merely to make him an Avenger!

  15. I only picked up one issue in a pack of 4 comics for £1 Kid but my understanding is Conan was transported to the Savage Land by a Wizard from the Hyborian age. It has something to do with the a search for the third eye of Agamotto for some reason . I don't recall why Wolverine etc. are in the Savage Land something to do with the organisation The Hand,..... I think.

  16. It wasn't my impression that they were necessarily implying Marvel had re-acquired Conan just for that purpose, CJ, only that it was a duff idea. And it sure sounds like it.


    The idea might possibly work as a one-off issue, McS, but a series based on the concept doesn't really appeal to me. Didn't they transport one of their cowboys into the present as well?

  17. I certainly didn't mean to imply that I was only commenting that Marvel got Conan simply to make him an "Avenger" (of sorts) Colin, just that they did that. I saw a preview of King Conan though and that looks good so might give that a go.

    I seem to recall one of the Marvel cowboys became an Avenger ( Two Gun Kid perhaps?). Marvel did a good one off Marvel Team up issue with Spider-Man and Red Sonja in the 70s.

  18. I think I read that Team-Up ish back in the day, McS. I'm too busy enjoying 'classic' Conan stories from the '70s at the moment to be interested in new tales, but King Conan is sure to be released as a collected edition if it's only a six-issue series so I might get it then. Have you ordered your CTB #1 facsimile edition yet? And how's the self-isolating going?

  19. I haven't got CUB 1 yet but I will get it. Only 1 more day of self isolation left Kid and still negative ( was never positive as double jabbed and boosted and careful 😁) .

  20. Unfortunately, there's a slight paper crease on some covers of CTB #1, but it's come off the presses that way, as it's a fault in one of the reams they used. However, I bought quite a few, so at least half of mine are perfect. Don't wait too long or the price will go up. Are you allowed to 'self-isolate' with your girlfriend or do you have to stay separate?

  21. CUB darn this tablets spellchecker I meant CTB sorry.

  22. Were together Kid ( we live together in same house ) which is allowed and we are both negative ( PCR and lateral flow) it's just because a family member was positive at an event ( they are staying with us but are in our summer house, so away from the main house). Been a total pain. Yeah I think I'll order CTB 1 today as don't plan to visit Glasgow until this virus slows down a bit.

  23. Ah, so you took the plunge, eh? I remember you once saying that you each had your own places and got together at the weekends. You'll have to marry her now - it's the law. (Made that bit up.) Sub-a-comic is probably your best bet for CTB #1. If I recall correctly, they use robust cardboard mailers.

  24. lol yeah over 2 years now Kid but we've been together for years so it made sense. Cheers for the CTB info.

  25. Just double-checked, McS - yes, Sub-a-comic use robust mailers, unlike some other sellers who send single comics in thin card-backed envelopes which invariably get bent in the post, damaging the contents.

  26. I did a quick-read of the first three SAVAGE AVENGERS, and yeah, there's some earlier story in which Conan apparently some Avengers, which seems like a terrible idea. But the one where he crosses over with Wolverine, Punisher et al at least works on the level of playing all of Marvel's "blood and guts" characters off one another, with copious bloodletting courtesy of Mike Deodato Jr. I certainly hope in future the barbarian stays away from the mainstream Marvel heroes, though once that may be like hoping the horse will stay in the barn once you've left the door open...

  27. It sounds like such a terrible idea, GP, that I don't think I'd even bother reading it, should it ever come my way. I wonder what Conan Properties think of a load of ol' tosh like that?


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