Tuesday 14 December 2021


All images copyright relevant owners

Don't you just love 'homage' covers?  This time it's The Cimmerian (Red Nails) #1 and Superman #233.  At first I was unsure whether this was a published comic or merely a cover 'mock-up' - maybe a poster - but it is an actual published mag - by Ablaze Comics.  (Just bought it on eBay.)  There's no mention of Conan on the cover so I assume it's an 'unauthorised' adaptation.  (Is it just me, or does that right foot look a little dodgy to anyone?)  I have several reprints of Marvel's version of the tale, but still couldn't resist recently buying a 1982 re-presentation, which I'll show you in more detail when it arrives.  Meanwhile, enjoy the images. 

Nope, the one below isn't a cover 'snap', but it's the Marvel version of the story in the first comic at the top of the post - both of which are winging themselves to me as I type.

Below is the issue I bought from eBay, but as you can see, it's not called The Cimmerian - just Red Nails.  Was it changed before publication, or is it simply another variant?  (Update: Apparently, the one at the top is variant D, the one below is variant E.)


  1. I've never heard of 'The Cimmerian' or Ablaze Comics but Conan's...er, I mean The Cimmerian's foot seems OK to me.

  2. Take another look, CJ. His heel is too low down and the front of his foot looks as if it's pointing up. In short, his foot isn't flat on the ground. It's so obvious that I can't understand how you can't see it.

  3. Yonks ago I managed to snag a copy of the Red Nails original art book published by Genesis West and I can literally lose myself poring over the amazing BWS art inside. Somehow they managed to get every single page of original art together so no copout reprints from copies of copies like some publishers have done, and I can't recommend it highly enough for fans of BWS, Conan or just damn great artwork.

  4. The first Omnibus volume prints both versions of the tale - the original, plus the coloured, amended version that appeared in the colour monthly. If I ever see the version you mention priced cheap enough, I might nab it, MN.

  5. I picked up a couple of copies of The Cimmerian (The Frost Giants Daughter)a few years ago and thought the title was better than a lot of Marvels recent Conans. Love that cover homage very nice and I see what you mean about his boot. Ahh BWS art on Red Nails was too drawer.

  6. Funnily enough, McS, the copy I bought on ebay yesterday has a slightly different cover, in that the main title is 'Red Nails' and 'The Cimmerian' doesn't appear anywhere on the cover. Apart from that little detail, it's the exact same. I always thought that BWS's ornate art suited the 'enchanted' sword & sorcery theme better that John Buscema's, though Big John made Conan look more like a barbarian. I'd loved to have seen Buscema's Conan inked by BWS. Wouldn't that have been something? The best of both worlds.

  7. I'm just wondering why his codpiece is fluttering like a hipsters beard in the breeze :)

  8. Easy-peasy, MW. The force he exerted to snap his chains made his 'codpiece' flutter for a mo.

  9. Yes, a reasonable assumption...

  10. Mr. Reasonable, that's me.

  11. I suppose you're right about The Cimmerian's foot, Kid, but I don't think I'd have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. You do love to nit-pick over small details...oops, I mean you're a perfectionist...and there have been numerous things I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed them out!

  12. I don't think I was nit-picking in this instance, CJ, because that foot is such a glaring imperfection that it jumped right off the page at me. You're right about me being a perfectionist though, which only means I aspire to perfection in my own endeavours, but doesn't necessarily mean I always (if ever) achieve it.

  13. Correction: I meant to say 'The Frost Giant's Daughter' in an above remark about the first Omnibus volume, not 'Red Nails'. I was getting the two tales muxed ip.


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