Monday 27 December 2021


Lovely, alluring Imogen Hassall is
our Babe of the Day today, lads.  Just the
job to warm the cockles of any man's heart
in the cold weather.  (Nice toast rack, even
if only for one slice at a time.)


  1. One of my favourites - first came to my attention in Carry on Loving. Such a sad life story through. I have the book Tuesday's Child. The life and death of Imogen Hassall by Dan Leissner. Not got around to reading it yet. Some great photos in there though.

  2. I'll keep an eye out for that book, AL. Yeah, it was a shame what happened to her, taking her own life. Such a lovely-looking woman as well - you'd think she had all to live for.

  3. The Countess of Cleavage was one of the names attributed to her.
    Sad to see that she was only 38 when she died in 1980.
    Anyway Kid, hope you had a nice Christmas 2021 and hopefully the same for 2022.

  4. Hardly any age at all, Moony, is it? Hope Santa was good to you, and also hope you likewise have a great 2022. Not getting any younger, are we?

  5. First noticed her in two-three SAINT episodes. Always looked great.

  6. And she appeared in a few ITC shows, GP. Absolutely stunning-looking woman.


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