Thursday 11 November 2021


Masters Of The Universe was mentioned in a comment in the previous post, which reminded me of the above TV ad.  While I was looking for it on YouTube, I saw the one below also listed, but haven't actually watched it yet.  (I'll have to publish it first.)  If it's completely duff, it'll disappear faster than a... well, you know the rest.  (Update: I've now deleted the second ad because, for some reason, after a while it changed into the same ad above.  I restored it once, but it changed again, so it's gone, man, solid gone!)


  1. What was the first one actually advertising? I've seen the Masters Of The Universe film on TV and it was a lot better than I expected it to be. I was recently reading a list of the UK's 60 best-selling albums of all time and the 'Dirty Dancing' soundtrack was on the list!

  2. Money Supermarket, CJ, as clearly heard on the ad and seen in the black margin above it. Talking of Dirty Dancing, I bought the DVD along with that of The Princess Bride, as they were the last two movies (a double bill) ever to be screened at my local cinema before it was closed and turned into a bingo hall. On the last night (May 28th 1988), I was the special guest of the manager, as I'd videoed the place over its last couple of days. I even had a specially reserved seat (the middle one in the back row) with a reserved sign on it.

  3. Kid, I've never heard of Money Supermarket so I had to google it. I assume this was a TV ad? The only TV I watch nowadays is streamed to my laptop from BBC iplayer so I don't know any of the modern ads. I've got a cinema story too - during my childhood there were two cinemas I frequented, The Scala (which later became a pool hall) and The Castle which was demolished a few years ago. The Castle was built sometime around the 1930s and it was completely refurbished in the '60s. On the day it re-opened my grandmother was the first cinema-goer to enter the doors and she was photographed shaking hands with the Mayor and I think she was given a bottle of champagne or something. I remember looking at the photo many years later and my mother telling me about it (my mother wasn't as impressed as me - she had a rather strained relationship with her own mother).

  4. No need to assume it was a TV ad, CJ, I specifically said so in the post. Haven't seen it in a good while though, so it might not be used any more. Your mother was probably annoyed at her mother for not taking her to the pictures. Got my ABBA cd a couple of days ago, but so far nothing's jumped out at me. The women's voices sound a bit weak and tinny (and strained in one instance), but I'll persevere with it. Funnily enough, I'm enjoying listening to a Baccara cd these days, which is almost classic ABBA-like in its sound.

  5. Kid, I'm sorry you're not so keen on the ABBA CD - I think it's a great little album and it's selling like hot cakes, apparently it's the fastest-selling album of 2021 and it'll be officially announced as ABBA's 10th #1 album in the UK this evening. But I must point out that it was YOU who expressed an interest in buying the album back in September. I didn't even know that you liked ABBA - it's Jim Reeves that you always favour on your blog.

    By the way, Baccara had a #1 hit called "Yes Sir, I Can Boogie" in October 1977 which was replaced at #1 by....ABBA's "The Name Of The Game".

  6. I've got quite a wide range in my taste in music, CJ, but Jim Reeves is the ultimate crooner and very few come close. I'm not saying that Voyage is bad, but it just doesn't grab me for some reason. Maybe after a few more listens it'll grow on me.

    Incidentally, I bought Baccara's two singles back in the '70s (the other one was Sorry, I'm A Lady) and still have them to this day. In fact, that's why I bought the cd. I also bought The Name Of The Game back then, and still have that too.


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