Tuesday 30 November 2021


Batman copyright DC COMICS

STOP!!!  Don't jump elsewhere just yet.  I know I've shown you this Batman figure (by Marx) before, but this time, something's different.  Before I get to that, just a quick recap.  When I first bought this (replacement) figure more than a quarter of a century ago, the cape was frayed, and the Bat-a-rang and utility belt were missing (along with the Bat emblem).  I used the original cape as a template to make a new one out of non-fraying felt, created a Bat-a-rang from Perspex, and crafted a utility belt, again using felt.

At first I gave Bats a more contemporary symbol, but eventually printed one from a picture of the emblem used on Adam West's costume, and, as you can see below, the result was pretty good.  Obviously I'd have preferred all the original components, but believe me, unless it's unopened and unplayed with, you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find this classic toy in any condition, never mind a complete version.  (And it'd cost you a small fortune if you did.)

Bats looks a little brighter here as photo was taken in daylight

Guess what though?  Someone on eBay is selling repros of the belt from the Mego 8" figure, so I bought one.  It's different from the Marx belt in that it closes at the back, not the front, and the detail isn't quite the same.  It's also too short to fit around the waist of the Marx figure, but I sorted that by using a bit of felt to extend the length and now it's a perfect fit.  What I'd like to know though, is which one you Crivvies prefer.  The felt belt has been in use for more than 25 years, but the plasticky/rubbery belt perhaps looks as though it belongs more with the figure.

So help me out guys.  Look at the photos and tell me which of the two belts looks more at home on Batman (who looks for all the world like a Gerry Anderson puppet) - the handmade felt belt or the other 'real' one.  Your opinions will be carefully considered and help me come to a final decision as to which belt Bats gets to wear full-time.  Kindly register your vote now if you'd all be so good.  (No prizes unfortunately, just the joy of taking part.)

I think there's a layer of dust on Bats in the first pic, hence the grey looking grubbier


  1. It's only been several hours so far, Gordie. Someone's surely bound to comment eventually. (I hope.)

  2. I suppose the belt in the first picture looks best but I must say that's a dreadful-looking action figure. My POTA and Star Trek figures looked a lot better and more realistic.

  3. I don't think it was ever intended to fit the description of 'action figure', CJ. It was part of a line of 'twistable' toys that Marx made (the limbs had soft plastic-covered wire under the cossie) and was clearly aimed at young kids, as all the other ones seemed to be based on Disney cartoon characters. Interestingly, I bought my originals (I had more than one at different times) from a shop called Nurseryland, whose slogan was 'Everything for baby'. In fact, that's the only place I ever saw the toy for sale.

  4. Ah, that explains it! By the way, Kid, happy St. Andrew's Day (my father's name was Andrew too).

  5. And the same to you, CJ. (I didn't know it was St. Andrew's Day today. Does that make me a bad Scot?)

  6. Kid, don't worry about it - my Scottish father didn't have a clue when St. Andrew's Day was either!

    But here in Wales St. David's Day (March 1st) is a big deal. When I was in school we always had a half-day on St. David's Day (we went home at lunchtime).

  7. If it's St. David's Day, CJ, he surely owns the full 24 hours, so you should've got a full day off on March 1st. I think you and your classmates were short-changed.

  8. Kid, a few years ago when Labour was in power the Welsh Assembly wanted to make St. David's Day a holiday but they had to ask permission from the UK government and the UK government refused. I suppose they refused because they would have to make St. George's Day and St. Andrew's Day holidays too.

  9. Yeah, once they start, where do they stop? Once they get around to making me a saint, I don't want it to be a holiday for anyone but myself. Is that selfish of me?

  10. The dreadfulness of the esteemed batman figure is terrific

  11. You'll hurt his feelings, AL. Besides, he's got a better build than you I'll bet.


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