Saturday 30 October 2021


Copyright BBC TV

The Daleks mini album by Century 21 (released in 1966) comes in two versions.  The first contains The Eric Winston Orchestra's recording of the Doctor Who theme and the BBC Tardis sound effect.  It was soon withdrawn and a second version was issued, without the theme tune or Tardis tones, presumably due to copyright or money reasons.

The second version has electronic-type sound by The Barry Gray Orchestra, and is, I'd say, the better of the two presentations of this extract from 'The Chase' episode from the Time Lord's Saturday serial.  It's supposedly more easily available than the first release, which is considered the rarer of the two, though I've only ever seen the first version on sale on eBay, never the second one.

Anyway, you're looking at my very own record (well, the cover anyway) which arrived at Castel Crivens today, so that's another item I've always wanted to own ticked off the list.  One day, I'll maybe record it and post it on the blog, but in the meantime, enjoy the second version from YouTube.


If you look at the cover at the top of this post, you'll see that the Dalek on our right has what looks like a little support 'bridge' under one of it head rings, perhaps to repair a break.  (Or maybe it's a label.)  This has always irked me 'cos it's so intrusive, so I've digitally deleted it to make the pic look a bit better.  See below.

There you go - a couple of close-ups for easier comparison...


  1. The Barry Gray Orchestra were responsible for what is surely the finest piece of instrumental music ever: the theme time from Joe 90.

  2. Good as it is, DS, there are other theme tunes I prefer. Robinson Crusoe for example.


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