Sunday 17 October 2021



Hey, lookee here, Crivvies.  A facsimile edition of Conan The Barbarian #1 is due out in December, and you can order your copy now from various eBay comics dealers.  Unlike the True Believers version, this one will have all the original ads, so even if (like me) you own the original '70s edition, this'll make a handy reading copy.  Get your advance orders in now, 'cos I suspect this one will fly.


  1. I've lost count of how many times I own this issue in one form or another, including the original which I bought myself off the comic racks way back when. Still and all, I'm tempted, sorely tempted!

  2. Give in to temptation in this instance, RJ. It's only the price of a standard comicbook so won't break the bank. I too have numerous reprints of this tale (as well as the original printing), but 'tis a thing of beauty which I must have again.

  3. You make a most convincing arguement.

  4. Shucks, thanks. And you make some great bridies, pasties, and sausage rolls.

  5. Good to know these are still being printed. I will probably probably pick this one up a well.

  6. The True Believers version was excellent and I bought several of them, McS, but to have a facsimile edition of the original is even better. I've already ordered two, but I'll be getting a few more.

  7. Had it and sold it when I realized I only like the art and stories on the later issues when Smith got a lot better. So I went entirely mercenary and took the money.

  8. Errr why do you buy so many Kid?

  9. Now's your chance to replace it, PS, for very little dosh.


    Because I CAN, McS. Nah, I like to have 'spares' as back-up, when it comes to key issues.

  10. Great comic, but I always felt the bit where Conan sees the future and visualises a space station was a little jarring and out of keeping with the rest of the comic. I am fully prepared to find out that I'm in a minority on this though!

  11. Actually, I thought the very same thing when I first read a pal's issue of #1 back around 1971 or so, DS. And Roy Thomas himself has said that he has misgivings about that scene and wouldn't do it that way nowadays. So if Roy himself thinks that, you're in good company.

  12. Marvel's new Conan The Barbarian series (launched in 2019) has just ended after 25 issues. I don't know if it's because of poor sales or whether it's because many modern Marvel comics seem to have short runs. But #25 was also the 300th issue since CTB #1 in 1970 so it was a bumper-sized celebration issue to go out on. Marvel is launching King Conan #1 in December but I think it's only a mini-series.

  13. That's disappointing to hear, CJ, hope the new mag does better. I'll have to track down issue 25 to add to my collection.

  14. The cancellation of the Marvel Conan comic may be due to the fact that a Norwegian games company has bought over the Conan parent company that hold the characters copyright etc. So it may be until a new contract is signed. Saying that Marvels tenure of Conan this time around for me hasn't been that good they even had him in a version of the Avengers ( Savage Avengers) inviting series.

  15. Comic strip Conan belongs at Marvel, so I hope he continues there, McS. I never really warmed to Dark Horse's version. Disney missed a trick there - they should have bought Conan Properties, the company that held/holds the rights.

  16. I liked the early Dark Horse Conan books a lot. But I know what you mean about Conan the comic and Marvel. Those early Conan and Kull comics at Marvel will imho never be bettered

  17. I've got a three part Dark Horse Conan run, McS, but he looks like he's wearing shorts, which isn't a great look for a barbarian.

  18. Marvel is launching King Conan #1 in December so they must still hold the rights to Conan.

  19. Like you said, CJ, it's a mini series, and it'll have been already prepared prior to the Norwegian games company buying Conan Properties. So whether Marvel will have to negotiate a new contract with the new owners remains to be seen.


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