Sunday 15 August 2021


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, in this one the differences are obvious, aren't they?  In the production stat above (I'll call them 'cover proofs' from this point on), SUSAN is far too tall and BEN is far too small in relation to her.  Solution?  Redraw Susie smaller (and give her a haircut as well), and lengthen Ben's leg to make him appear taller.  (Still not tall enough in my estimation.)  The original version saw print, in colour, in 1973 as an ad for MWOM #23 in sister publication SMCW #4.  (And turn in your F.O.O.M. card and hang your head in shame if you don't know what those esteemed initials stand for, not-so-frantic one.)

The published version


  1. You must have keen eyesight, Kid. What's the backstory to spotting the difference?

  2. It happened a lot with early Marvel covers, B. Jack drew them his way, Stan requested changes before publication if he wasn't entirely happy with something. Usually file copies were made before any changes were instituted though, which is why, when covers were reprinted years later, they were unamended pre-original publication versions. Type 'Spot The Difference' into my blog's search box and you should see a few examples.

  3. P.S. You'll have to trawl through a couple of pages though, as they're interspersed with other posts.

  4. Ah, I get you now. You mean what's the backstory to ME spotting the difference? Like you said - I've got keen eyesight.

  5. Thanks for the fulsome explanation, Kid. I shall look for "spot the difference" in past blogs. It is very interesting that original unapproved covers find their way into reprints. When I asked about the backstory, I wondered if you had been involved in any of the restoration work during your work for Marvel UK.

  6. No, but I was a restoration artist on some Masterworks volumes for Marvel US.


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