Friday 2 July 2021


Sometimes we begin journeys without even realising it, and reach a destination we didn't know we were travelling to until decades later when we finally arrive there.  Which probably sounds far more profound than it actually is, but I have to attract your attention in some way, and making a post sound interesting when perhaps it isn't, is the only way I can think of to lure you in.  (Yes, you're right - I'm a devious rascal.)

I couldn't swear to the year, but it must've been between 1969 and '71, so let's say it was 1970.  I bought a Marx Toys Twistable Geppetto figure from a shop called Nurseryland, but I no longer recall exactly how long I owned it or what happened to it.  However, it was because I once owned that figure that I decided to buy a Pinocchio one when I saw it on eBay a few years back.  Then, recently, I managed to acquire a replacement Geppetto twistable toy, again from eBay, and I felt quite pleased about 'reuniting' father and son.  (Even did a post about it.)

But guess what?  Last week I noticed a Jiminy Cricket figure from the same series, so I bought that as well (handy place that eBay).  As far as I know (I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm mistaken), there were only three figures in the series and I now have all of them - a complete collection (I hope).  So the three pals are back together and no longer exist in isolation, each having two companions for the duration of however long they reside in my vast accumulation of stuff.

And that'll be at least until I fall off the twig, though I'm hoping they'll be kept together when I'm no longer around.  That's four Marx twistable figures I now own - the three seen here, plus a Batman one, and I have no plans to expand this particular group.  Not unless I see something that really appeals to me that is.

Any Crivvies ever have any of those Marx toys when they were kids?  Why not take a moment to tell us all about them?


As you can see, Jiminy is a little grubby, but that's because he fell into a radioactive patch of mud from which he had to crawl out of.  When he did, he was surprised to find he was now as big as his two pals.  (Sounds convincing to me.)


Is it just me, or does Geppetto look a bit like Benny Hill as the Toymaker in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?  I wonder if the resemblance was intentional?


  1. Geppetto looks like he's wearing a Covid mask

  2. And Pinocchio's nose looks like some other part of his anatomy in an aroused state.

  3. Ha ha.. I did not pick up on that one...

  4. I'm certainly not going to pick it up - or indeed even touch it, LH. I'll just lift him by the sides of his arms.

  5. Jiminy Cricket looks a lot like Harpo Marx minus the curly hair

  6. You're right, LH - spittin' image.


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