Friday 2 July 2021


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

D.C. Thomson recently reprinted the very first tale from Commando #1 with a brand-new cover by the excellent Ian Kennedy.  Then they followed it up with a sequel as part of their celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the title, which publishes four mags per month.  I'm not really a fan of war stories, but as this is a special occasion, I bought the two you see here.  Looking forward to reading them later tonight. 

And below is the cover of the very first issue, alongside its 50th Anniversary reprint from 2011.


  1. Yikes didn't realise I was older than Commando comics. I used to enjoy the odd Commando book but was never really a fan of war comics / strips.

  2. Same as me, McS, but I liked the idea of having the very first one (even if it's a reprint), plus a sequel 60 years in the making (sort of).

  3. I was never a huge Commando fan, but around 1991, my mum went to work a shift of a couple of hours in a hospital on the other side of town and she took me with her, for reasons I won't bore you with. I was told to sit in a waiting room that had a telly, but I was never really someone who could sit in front of a geeky very long, so wandered into another waiting room which had a table full of magazines. Closer inspection revealed a shoebox full of Commando comics, and I had a lovely afternoon working my way through them and really enjoying them.

    I haven't seen Commando on sale for a while, but next time I do, I think I'll buy a copy.

  4. That story you won't 'bore' me with sounds like it might have promise, DS, so feel free. Commando mags are usually readily available in WHS, so that's probably the best place to look. I've got a small handful I've picked up over the years - paid for them of course, didn't nick 'em.


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