Sunday 27 June 2021


Copyright MARVEL COMICS and relevant owners

Take a look at the above double-page spread from the MWOM Annual for 1977, which I featured in the previous post.  I was studying it earlier and noticed what seems to be a mistake - can you spot it?  It seems that Conan The Barbarian appears twice, although I did consider the possibility that one of them (the one on the left) is meant to be Kull The Conqueror.  Only thing is, both figures are wearing a metal band on their right arm, and what are the chances that they'd have the same taste in fashion?  (Having said that, Kull is wearing a band on the cover of KTC #4, but it's a different type to the ones shown here.)

Whaddya think, Crivvies - boneheaded booboo, or is one Conan and the other Kull?  Vote now!


  1. I would say you are right. A slight slip up. With the proof reader a thing of the past. Only eagle eyes people pick this one up. I would not have had you not mentioned it.

  2. Thanks, LH. How you been? Are you out of hospital yet and recovering at home?

  3. Yes I have been out of hospital six weeks. Just taking it easy for the next couple of months.

  4. Jeffrey Crawley28 June 2021 at 11:36

    Hi Kid,

    I did notice the two Conan's when viewing the image yesterday, but didn't think any more of it.

    Jeff Crawley

  5. Good to hear, LH.


    You should've written to your MP immediately, JC - these sort of things shouldn't be ignored.

  6. Definitely two Conans. I wonder if they ever considered a Conan annual?

  7. Yeah, CJ & MW, 'cos I just realised that if one of them was meant to be Kull, then he'd have a scar on his face. Dunno if Marvel UK ever considered doing a Conan Annual - but if they did consider it, they obviously decided not to.

  8. Hi Kid,
    Definately 2 Conans, well spotted!
    I used to pour over this picture when I was a kid (no pun intended), as I had just discovered the wonderful world of Marvel comics and wanted to be able to identify each character.
    I now notice that a considerable number of these images were used for the Topps stickers that I would purchase from the ice cream van and stick on my bedroom cupboard door.
    Great times!

  9. It always bothered me a tad that they didn't keep the sizes of the characters consistent to one another, D, but it would probably have taken whoever cut and pasted them (by hand in those days) years to hunt down the necessary images.

  10. Glad to hear that LH is doing better.

  11. Def 2 Conan's the one on the left hand page looks like it came from Conan issue 30 . It annoys ( well annoyed) me a bit as well when they didn't keep the characters sizes consistent in posters.

  12. I'm sure LH will appreciate that, DS.


    You'd think it would be quicker to get an artist to draw a new poster, McS, than have someone source all the images, photocopy them, cut them out, and then paste them down. Talk about labour-intensive!

  13. Thanks for the kind words. Appreciate it.

  14. The perspective is a bit wonky due to the cut-and-pasting of the individual figures. The Green Goblin looks, to use an old-fashioned Glasgow word, like he is getting a hudgie from Ghost Rider.

  15. Also- and I can't quite view the image on enough detail on my phone to be certain- but has Killraven just punched Hawkeye in the goolies?

  16. Nah, he appears to be shooting Dracula, DS. But if anyone deserves a punch in the goolies it's definitely Hawkeye.

  17. Didn't Hawkeye have a costume with a skirt at one point? Maybe its his tailor he deserves the "percussive discipline".

  18. The more I look at that collage, the weirder it gets. Thor is about to clout Power Man on the head with his hammer, Dr Doom is watching the Silver Surfer dancing like a chrome-plated Bee Gee, and Iron Fist has a leg for a right arm.

  19. He's wearing that 'skirt' in the picture, DS. I suppose it's meant to be a sort of Robin Hood tunic. I wonder whether the collage was done specially for the Annual (it also appeared in other Marvel UK Annuals that year), or was from something else that was just pressed into service?

  20. Apologies, I didn't mean his tunic-style skirt, I was thinking of this fashion faux-pas:

  21. Oh, right. I thought you were talking about the one in the collage, that being the obvious one. Yeah, that other one looks daft.

  22. Yeah, it's a boo boo, two Conans. If they were shooting for Kull I think that even the most dense gopher would have chosen a stat of Kull with his crown.

  23. Crown and a scar - maybe the bodger meant to draw them in and forgot, GP. Nick Fury appeared twice on the cover of FF Annual #3 - once as Sgt. Nick and the other as Shield Nick, but that was presumably deliberate.


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