Tuesday 22 June 2021


Hopefully, you won't be offended
by a wee 'hint of nip' in this photo of Sybil
Danning lounging on my private beach as she
fixes me with her 'come hither' stare.  That's how
most women respond to my Herculean physique
kitted out in nothing more than my Yogi Bear
swimming trunks.  It wouldn't work for you lot,
as I'm far more handsome than the average
 Criv.  (Oh yes I am!  Don't deny it.)


  1. I'm offended by a hint of nip. I want to see all the nips!

  2. All? Just how many nips do you think she has, MH?

  3. Sybil, Sybil, Sybil! What a bombshell! Thanks for that morning pick me up.

    Rip Off

  4. I'm friends with her on FB, she seems very friendly with fans on there.

  5. A pleasure, RJ. Gorgeous, ain't she?!


    She's very friendly, MW. She linked to my blog and I think she may have commented on it. (Valerie Perez left a couple of comments, so maybe I'm mixing her up with Sybil. I think she commented on a post though.)

  6. Just had a look through my Sybil posts and can see no comments from her. I must've been thinking of the comments on her own site in response to my blog posts on her. Took it all in good fun.

  7. My review of "Housewife Report" (Click here!) contains a few screenshots of Sybil Danning not looking like Sybil Danning. There are two photos in the review, and two more if you click on them. The film was made in 1970.


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