Thursday 27 May 2021


Nope, I dunno why he's wearing a deckchair either

For all you cavortin' Crivvies who don't have a blog of your own, but would sometimes like to (or even if you do), here's an invitation for your careful consideration.  Write a guest post for Crivens! and savour the sizzling sensation of seeing your words in print.  It'll bring you such fame that you won't be able to walk down the road without being besieged by hordes of screaming, admiring females trying to touch you and slipping you their 'phone numbers.  (That reminds me, I really must give some of them a call one day.  They've waited long enough.)

Let me know if you're interested.


  1. Off topic question: Are you having problems uploading photos today? I'm getting the message "Sorry! An unexpected error occurred while processing your selection. Please try again later." It's been happening for the last 12 hours. I've tried clearing my cache and using another computer.

  2. I tried updating a photo on an old post a couple of hours or so ago and got that message, but that's the first time that it's happened. I'm about to try it again, so I'll let you know if it doesn't work.

  3. It worked okay this time, so any problem seems to be fixed now.

  4. Yes. A lot of people were reporting this error in the blogger forum, and it's been fixed now. Phew. I was getting worried.

    But they still haven't fixed the imageanchor bug. I've reported it a few times since October, and they're still unable to fix it.

  5. What I don't like is when I publish a post, but then decide to amend the title to make it fit the space better. The title changes don't show in the preview mode, meaning I don't know whether it's a nicer fit or not until I publish it again.

  6. I've had a few guest writers over the years, but none stayed long. Either they started their own blog, or they just got fed up and stopped writing after a couple of posts. Occasionally I ask for reviews of a specific film, but I never get one. Yesterday I asked for someone to review "Mars Attacks", but I don't expect a reply :(

  7. Actually, it's a lot of work publishing guest posts, because I have to check for typos, correct factual errors, poor grammar, and lack of punctuation, etc. However, I like to give those who feel they might have something to say the chance to say it. Dunno much about Mars Attacks, else I'd do you a review.

  8. I'll do a guest post for you, Kid, I enjoyed the last one I done. Any particular deadline?

  9. Well, sometime this year would be good, DS.

  10. Because I don't have enough on my plate, I decided to start another blog, one that collated from my main movie-blog everything with superhero action or similarly spectacular action.

    If you think your readers might enjoy some noodling about what makes such characters appealing, at least in cinema, maybe I could put a post together. I confess I've not done so before though, so I don't know the procedure. I assume one sends you a file with the essay.

  11. Nah, just send me it in parts in however many comments it takes, GP. I won't publish the comments, but I'll 'cut & paste' them into a 'new post' box. Just let me know what images you want to use and I'll Google search them. And of course, I'll include a link to your new site.

  12. Okay, and if you've used the images on a post on your blogs before, point me to them and I'll copy them from there.


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