Monday 3 May 2021



Much to my surprise, I learned, while reading John Sanders book, that he departed from IPC/Fleetway in 1990, after 25 years overseeing many of the classic comics of yesteryear.  (I thought he was still there for years after the fact.)  1990 feels recent to me, but if we jump back from that point, it takes us to 1965, and '65 to '90 seems like quite a stretch of time - probably because I went from being a kid to a teenager to an adult in that period.  Then I think "But it was only 25 years."

That's because the last 25 years to someone my age doesn't seem like a long time now, but to a younger person that stretch of time somehow feels very different.  1965 is history, 1990 is contemporary (relatively speaking), and the gulf between the two dates seems much longer that 1990 to 2005, though it's of the exact same duration.  Perceptions, perceptions, eh?  Anyway, this is a little post about nothing much at all, but I thought I'd share it with you just in case you didn't have any drying paint to watch. 

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