Friday 9 April 2021


Assuming that my memory of events is correct, one of the joys of being a teenager - or even a kid for that matter - in the UK back in the '70s, was a regular Monday to Friday evening double bill (usually) of Tom & Jerry cartoons on BBC 1, right after (or was it before?) a current affairs programme called Nationwide.  Has there ever been consistently funnier cartoons than T&J?  I think not.  I happen to have every classic (by that I mean the well-drawn ones) Tom & Jerry cartoon in a DVD box set, though it's been years since I watched them.  In fact, I think I only viewed a few before putting them away, with the intention of returning to them before too long.  That was probably around 14 or 15 years ago and I still haven't found time to dig them out again.  One day soon, I hope.

Anyway, because I'm a Tom & Jerry fan (can there be anyone who isn't?), I recently picked up this porcelain set by Wade to add to my collection.  I don't have too many pieces of T&J merchandise - a pair of Marx wind-up figures, a couple of diecast cars (by Ertyl I think) that were tie-ins to a movie back in the '90s, and also a couple of 'furry' figures of the duo, but that's about it.  Anyway, the Wade figures are excellent, so I thought I'd share them with you here.  They're regularly available on eBay, but usually without the box, so consider yourselves the recipients of a rare treat in seeing the complete package.

Are you Tom & Jerry fans, dear readers?  Then wax eloquent on why you like them so much - if you'd be so good.  In fact, to widen the scope, what do you consider the funniest cartoons of all time?  Bugs Bunny was always good, as was the Pink Panther - what were your favourites?


  1. T & J of course. I was actually a big fan of the goofy gophers . Remember them, the two polite gophers whose tree got turned into furniture?and of course Rocky and Bullwinkle. Pink Panther was ok but repetitive.

  2. Don't immediately recall the goofy gophers, PS - though my memory might warm up as the day goes on. Only ever saw Rocky & Bullwinkle in the ads for Cheerios (I think) in comics - have never seen any animated cartoons with them.

  3. Both my father and I loved Tom & Jerry (and I still do). For my birthday in 1980 my mother bought me a T&J mug with a chocolate egg in it - I had that mug for many years until it got dropped and the handle fell off. Every year just before Christmas I go to YouTube and watch "Twas The Night Before Christmas" which was only the third Tom & Jerry cartoon ever made - it has become a modern festive tradition for me!

  4. You skinflint, CJ - buy the DVDs and then you can watch them whenever you want - and own them into the bargain. That cartoon you mention is a classic - a tearjerker with a happy ending.

    Incidentally, JP has started blogging again, and McS has started a blog (which I think you knew). I'm sure they'd appreciate some comments from you on their latest posts.

  5. Kid, you say I should buy a DVD collection but you admit that you've never watched yours! Over the last few weeks I've been watching the entirety of Blackadder on BBC iPlayer and I've now started watching the entire run of Porridge, beginning with the pilot episode from 1973 - it saves owning a cumbersome DVD collection.

    BBC Radio 4 has cancelled its' entire schedule for today because of Prince Phillip's death and so has BBC One. Thankfully the internet is not affected!

    If JP's and McS's blogs are in your blog list I'll check them out - otherwise I don't know the blogs' names!

  6. Nope, that's not what I 'admitted', CJ. What I said was that I hadn't watched ALL of mine yet - but they're there when I want to - and they belong to ME. Pride of ownership, y'see. And collections needn't be cumbersome.

    Yup, JP's (My Old Comics) and McS's (That Was Then) blogs are in my blog list.

  7. I've just left a comment on Paul's blog (concerning Sal Buscema).

  8. I think those classic (MGM) T&J cartoons are my favourite cartoons of all time. The Christmas cartoon that Colin mentioned is excellent. I remember the goofy gophers as well Colin they were great back up characters and from memory they had posh English accents, great stuff. I also used to enjoy the classic Looney Tunes characters, Droopy and the old Barney Bear cartoons.

  9. I'm sure he'll appreciate it, CJ.


    Yeah, Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry - simply the best, McS. Hanna-Barbera could be quite funny at verbal humour though.


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