Saturday 24 April 2021



Okay, having taken a short detour to cop a gander at some Big John Buscema FF covers, it's now time to return to some more by Jack 'King' Kirby.  Is it my imagination, or does the colouring on the accompanying covers look a little 'dull' and sombre in comparison to Big John's in the previous post, which seemed a tad brighter and more vibrant to my eyes.  Maybe it was a change in colourists, or just a change in direction, but I have the distinct impression that Marvel comic covers in the '70s  seemed more 'colourful' (you know what I mean) than in the preceding decade.  Or could it simply be that my '60s FFs have lost their lustre due to the effects of age and that the '70s mags will eventually follow suit?  Anyway, should you wish to contribute your views on the matter (or anything resembling it), your participation will be very welcome.   


  1. I first saw some of those covers when they were re-drawn for The Titans. My favourite cover here is "A House There Was" and that story was printed in The Titans No.31 but the cover featured the Ghost Rider jumping through a ring of fire or something because he was joining the comic's line-up in that issue.

  2. Did you remember that issue number off the top of your head, CJ, or did you check it in my Titans Cover Gallery first before commenting? I'd have had to check because I don't remember the number, though I recall the cover. I think I'd have preferred to have seen a redrawn FF one.

  3. No, I remembered the issue number, Kid - the issues of The Titans featuring the FF are very clear in my memory (the FF's debut was in #27 and lasted until #52). I'd have preferred a re-drawn FF cover for The Titans No.31 too but the cover they went with was quite good.

  4. My memory used to be very clear on just about everything, CJ, but it's atrophying at an alarming rate - to the point that there are some things which aren't quite as clear as they once were.

  5. Just noticed the phrase 'of the year'repeated on covers of FF #87 and #88 referring to the ending of #87 and the supervillain in #88.Never noticed that before and I must have read these comics 20 plus times at least.Of course I never noticed Batman on the cover of Shield #3 by Steranko!Great post Kid.

  6. Stan must've been dialling it down, Triple F - usually he'd have said '...of the century!' Now I'll have to look for Batman on Shield #3.


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