Sunday 4 April 2021


The stunningly beautiful Paige Spiranac holds out a Jelly Baby as I snap her photo, but unfortunately I didn't get the item of jelly confectionery in shot.  I tried to reciprocate her kind gesture by asking her if I could give her a baby in return, but I think she mistook my intentions, and replied "No way, grandpa!"  Talk about feeling deflated.  Me, not her, as you can see from the photo.  (Nothing 'deflated' about Paige, no sirree!)  When she realised her mistake, she let me give her a Liquorice Allsort instead.  (And no, that's not a euphemism.)


  1. "Spiranac", two "A"s, not "Spirinac" with two "I"s.

  2. Nah, you're thinking of that other golfing babe, Paige Spiranac. This is Paige Spirinac. Oh well, if it'll keep you happy.


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