Monday 19 April 2021


All I'll say is roll on that Lottery
win, 'cos it's amazing how attractive I'll
suddenly seem to Paige Spiranac (and
hordes of other women) when I have 77
 squillion quid to play with.  Yessiree!


  1. I had no earthly idea who this lady was, but your persistent posts featuring her caused me to actually check up on her Wikipedia page. So she's a former golfer who is a big deal online. Golfers have come a long way since the days of Old Tom Morris and the like. She's quite lovely.

  2. What you'd call a natural beauty, RJ. Quite lovely indeed. I've always subscribed to the old saying that golf is a waste of a good walk, but with golfers like Paige around, I could well be tempted to give it a try.


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