Monday 8 March 2021


On the off-chance that anyone might be interested, I thought I'd show you some more of my money banks.  Here are four Yogi Bear ones, from the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s.  Next up is Dougal from The Magic Roundabout, which is also from the '90s.  Still more to come when I find them (you may be disappointed to know.)  Ever have any of these banks, Crivvies?  If not, but you could have one now, which would it be?  Or is there one not shown here that you'd prefer - like a David Bowie bank or perhaps some other celebrity, fictional (like Bugs Bunny, etc.) or otherwise?  Tell all in the you-know-where.


  1. Philip Crawley8 March 2021 at 04:22

    Nice assortment (and no I didn't put the wrong comment on this post instead of the previous one). The stocky shapes of these characters are well suited to their use as money banks. Don't have any money banks myself but when I was collecting Hulk figures for a while (ended up with two dozen) there was a great money bank of the big green guy - stopped looking for it after too many highly-priced ones were the only ones listed.
    I have started a Godzilla collection recently (and is so much of that over-priced!) and there are a couple on money banks among the figures of the Big G. My focus is on the later more series incarnations, not the cartoonish 60s and 70s Godzillas.
    Barely have enough dough to fund my other collections - but when has that ever stopped us, eh?

  2. You're right, PC, we can't allow things like food, clothing, paying bills, etc., detract us from acquiring the real necessities of life - Daleks, money banks, Godzillas, Hulks, and all the other things that make living so worthwhile. Thing is, I don't actually plan to build different collections at the time of purchase, I just buy what appeals to me. Then, before I know it, I have various collections that keep growing and growing. Funny how that happens, eh?

  3. In the sixties, there were shampoo bottles shaped like cartoon characters. So, when the shampoo was used up, they could be rinsed out and kept as toys.

    Some were based on Hanna-Barbera characters (IIRC, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, and Quick Draw McGraw), and some of those had slots in the top of the heads, so they could be used as money banks.

  4. I've got a couple of Yogi shampoo containers, as well as Fred & Barney ones, TC. I've seen the '60s Yogi bank (first photo) in its shampoo role on ebay, but the bank one will do me.

  5. Is there actually a Bowie bank? I would LOVE to see that! I wanted to buy a Frankenstein jr bank but it's way too expensive. Doesn't stop me from looking though!

  6. Not that I know of, LM, but I thought it might be the kind of thing that Bowie fans would like to see - and, going by your response, I was right, eh?

  7. When I was about five I had some Camberwick Green toothpaste but shampoo bottles in the shape of the programme's characters would have been more interesting!

    Kid, did you know that you share a birthday with the author Kazuo Ishiguro?

  8. I've got quite a few shampoo containers, CJ, including Popeye and Batman. I've also got bubble bath containers, either in the shape of characters or with figures of them which sit on top of the lids.

    I don't even know who Kazuo Ishiguro is, but if my birthday is the day you think it is (and it might not be), then I also share it with Bram Stoker.

  9. Kid, I just googled Bram Stoker and you're right!

  10. And it was on a dreary night of the same month that the Frankenstein Monster first opened his eyes, so it might've been the same day too.

  11. A Bowie savings bank is one of the few thigs that is not available with the Bowie brand Lord M. There's clothes, socks, credit card holders, bags, dolls , key rings, watches, comics, cushions, gold coins and even a Barbie doll etc but no savings banks I'm afraid even although he did set up one of the first online banks (of sorts). I had forgotten all about those shampoo cartoon character bottles I seem to recall we had a Top Cat or a Porky Pig one.

  12. Wouldn't say no to a Top Cat one myself, McS. Do you have any of the Bowie merchandise you just listed?

  13. I have a couple of Bowie t shirts, a key ring, a car freshener (lol) a coaster, 2 large pictures (installed in my loft room with my comics , music etc) and....a Barbie doll (long story😀) I'm looking for a Silver Surfer statue/doll for my "man room" but can't see one I like so far.

  14. I've got a couple of Surfer action figures, plus a couple of smaller 'statuettes' (one resin, the other metal of some kind, a few inches tall), McS. The action figures aren't great, but the small 'statues' are nice.

  15. I'll check the Surfer statues online. Didn't realise Frank Thorne passed away, a fair age at 90 but he was one of my favourites back in the day. I really liked his Red Sonja work.

  16. Kid, do you have any of those ones given away by Banks as promotional items? I seem to recall one shaped like a globe maybe in 70/71 for Bank of Scotland


  17. Yeah, I saw his demise reported on Mark Evanier's blog a few days back, McS. I thought about mentioning it, but decided to leave it to others who are more familiar with his work. I remember buying Red Sonja #1 when it first came out. He could certainly draw sexy women.


    Got it, TG, surely you've seen it when you've been in my house. Mine's a Royal Bank Of Scotland, but probably different banks used it over the years.


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