Thursday 4 March 2021


Okay, peeps, here's your opporchancity to help me out.  As related in an earlier post, the jacket on my recently acquired Bob Hope action figure started falling to bits once I opened the sealed box.  I ordered a jacket from China, even though it was different from the original, and also contacted Hasbro, who were useless.  I then decided to use another jacket which I already had (which I did), but then the jacket I bought arrived.  The cuffs were really too narrow to allow the hands through without risking damage to the flimsy material, so at first I decided against using it.  Then I changed my mind (please, no jokes) and gave it a go, and managed to get it on the figure without ripping the sleeves, though I suspect I wouldn't be able to remove it without inflicting damage.

So here's where you come in.  Compare the photos and tell me which jacket you think looks best on Bob, as I'd welcome your opinions and may decide to go with whichever one you Crivvies think is the better of the two.  Vote now.


  1. Definitely the green jacket.

  2. I just prefer the colour and the green jacket seems to go better with the other clothing in my opinion.

  3. Yeah, you're probably right, CJ, but there's something about the black one that also appeals to me. Anyone else got an opinion?

  4. Where did you get those jackets from Kid are the from other figures?. Of the 2 I think green as well, as I think that's Bob Hope wore when entertaining the troops (well khaki ).

  5. I bought the black one from China via ebay when the original brown bomber jacket the figure arrived in started to crack and crumble practically on first touch, McS. (It's happened with other figures because the material used is cheap and not very durable.) While I was waiting for the black one to arrive, I dug out the green jacket which adorned another figure to see what it would look like. Yeah, the green seems to work best, doesn't it?

  6. Green. It looks more army.

  7. Green looks like it belongs whereas the shiny black looks like he's trying to be 'Fonzie' from Happy Days.

  8. I'd much prefer a brown one like the original, T47, but can't find one to buy anywhere. Ones that even vaguely come close cost nearly as much as the figure itself.

  9. Green looks like a safari, which is appropriate for the star of Call Me Bwana and The Road to Zanzibar. The black looks kind of punk or outlaw biker, which would be better suited to Fonzie or Marlon Brando than Bob Hope.

    The black would look good on a Sybil Danning figure, too.

  10. Thanks, TC. I've now switched him back to the green one, but I'd like a brown one that's similar to the original. Having said that, the green jacket makes my action figure unique.


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