Friday 12 March 2021


Anyone remember this little footballer fella?  Produced in the late '60s or early '70s, I actually owned one myself even though I was never a footie fan.  It was a keyring, though the chain and ring part of this one (which I've just purchased via eBay) is missing.  Not a problem however, as nothing's broken and I've got a couple of spare ones somewhere should I decide to make it a keyring again.

Did any of you oldies ever have this keyring (which came in different colour strips) and, if so, what are your memories of it?  Do tell (if you'd be so kind).


  1. Total blast from the past Kid, forgot all about these. I had a Glasgow Rangers one as a kid that my brother gave me. I remember there were Celtic ones as well with green and white hoops.

  2. That's the ones I remember too, McS. Is the one I bought the Rangers one then, seeing as he's in a blue strip?

  3. From memory I think this one was an earlier generic version so it could have been Rangers, Everton, Dundee etc (ie teams that played in blue and white) and as they became more popular they refined them to be more like larger clubs ie adding black and red socks, and a slightly lighter blue top for Rangers etc but yes it a Rangers one.

  4. This is the one I had with the red/black socks that doubles for Rangers and Scotland (though Scotland play in just red socks)

  5. Thanks for that, McS, I'll take a look. I can't remember what colour of socks my original one had. Incidentally, there's another footballer keyring on ebay, but it's different (though similar) to this one.


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