Sunday 3 January 2021


A Doctor Who Comic Strip Classic...

Copyright BBC TV & Panini

Remember the Doctor's grandchildren, John and Gillian, who accompanied him on his adventures in the pages of TV Comic?  This was because the publishers had only acquired the rights to use William Hartnell's likeness as the Doctor, not any of his TV companions.

However, they couldn't have the Doctor talking to himself all the time in order to explain the plot to readers, so two new companions were created for his comic strip tales. Whether or not we were meant to assume that they were siblings of Susan or perhaps the offspring of another child of the Doctor (after all, how many does he have?) was never actually specified - as far as I know.

Anyway, back in 2003, it was the show's 40th Anniversary, and writer Scott Gray tackled the 'mystery' of John and Gillian in Doctor Who Magazine #337.  I think it's a belter of a tale, and hope nobody minds me sharing it with you here.  Enjoy.  (Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)


  1. Beautiful little story- I remember reading this before, presumably I'd bought the DWM issue it appeared in, but it's lovely to see it again. Thanks, Kid.

  2. Little-known fact, DS - I lettered Scott Gray's very first Dr. Who story for Marvel UK. Wasn't this one though, obviously.

  3. First comic story I ever sobbed at

  4. Sometimes they hit you right there, don't they?


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