Monday 25 January 2021


Thank goodness for that - the edit button's back!  Hooray!!!


  1. And it's Burns Night too so you can have a wee dram to celebrate (failing that, a can of Irn Bru).

  2. Never celebrated Burns Night in my life, CJ, and Irn Bru is disgusting. I'll maybe have a wee cup of tea later though, just to celebrate still being alive.

  3. Irn Bru disgusting? I disagree, Kid. Did you know that Irn Bru is Britain's 3rd best-selling soft drink after Coke and Pepsi? So Irn Bru is the UK's most popular home-grown soft drink. Where's your Scottish pride on this Burns Night?

  4. Just shows that people like sh*te, CJ - it's a vile drink. And I didn't write any of his poems so I've no right to be proud of them. And Haggis is sh*te too (so I'm told).

  5. Haggis is amazing Kid you should try it, most folk that don't like it haven't tried it properly (only something out of a tin or deep fried at the chip shop) - even the veggie version is nice. Not a fan of Iron Bru as an adult ( or any carbonated drinks for that matter they are all gut rotting sugar tat) but as a kid I loved it.... and great for a hangover. We had a Burns meal early ( last night) haggis neeps and tatties with a very nice home made whisky sauce it was lovely.

  6. Are you saying that as a kid you had hangovers, McS? Tsk, tsk. I'm partial to Pepsi Max these days, but I'm trying to limit myself to two cans per week - Saturday and Sunday. Used to drink only Coca Cola, but too much sugar in it and I'm trying to preserve my teeth. Unfortunately Coke Zero should be renamed Zero Taste.

  7. Lol used to have the odd Iron Bru in my 20s when I may have had a pint too many although I was always a lightweight drinker 4 pints max and off to bed

  8. Ah, but whose bed, McS? Go on, dish the dirty!

  9. The comments about Irn Bru are interesting. I've tried it but didn't care for it, but then I'm an uprooted Londoner.

    The drink I grew up with was TIZER. It was a taste I craved after moving to the US and I would look for it whenever revisiting London. It wasn't always available in stores.

    My US born wife and daughter positively hated the taste but I loved both the chemical enhanced red colour and taste.

    A few years ago now I bought a bottle, sipped a glass and was thoroughly disgusted at the taste. It was now owned by Irn Bru and in writing to them they answered that they had gone back to the original recipe.

    It was originally based on fruit flavours but it was more like something left in the sink after washing up dinner utensils now. It certainly wasn't the way it always was since the 1950's.

  10. I remember when Tizer was reintroduced, and everybody who was old enough to recall the original said that the new version tasted nothing like it. And unlike what Barr's told you, it was reported at the time that the original recipe had been lost and had to be 're-created'. I assumed this to mean that they experimented 'til they came up with something roughly approximating the original taste. Going by what you say, seems that wasn't even true.

  11. Kid, if you want to look after your teeth you should use a straw - that's what I do. I even use a straw to drink a cup of Mellow Birds with brown sugar.

  12. Actually, I do sometimes use a straw, CJ (a twisty one I bought around 1978), but the taste of the cola mixes with the plastic taste of the straw.

  13. I can't say I've ever noticed the taste of the straw, Kid. When the government announced they were banning plastic straws I immediately bought a couple of packs each containing about 100 straws and I make each straw last for around three or four months so I've got enough straws to last for decades.

  14. My straw is a permanent, non-disposable, clear plastic twisty straw, CJ. Maybe the plastic is eroding and slowly poisoning me with its plastic-y chemical composition? I'm loath to dispose of it though, as I've had it for so long.

  15. I was watching a YouTube snip of 8 Englishmen and women tasting Haggis for the first time. Apart from the histrionics in tasting the ruddy stuff (a thing with younger folk - everything's a drama) all but 2 thought it was nice and 3 loved it. Irn Bru is def an acquired taste but along with Dandelion and burdock is the best of the sugary carbonated drinks imho

  16. Dandelion & Burdock - don't think I've had a taste of that since I was a kid, McS. Do they still make it?

  17. Yes they still sell Dandelion and Burdock Kid the last carbonated drink I had about 18 months ago (not as a mixer) was a small bottle of it purchased in Sainsbury's , it took me right back.

  18. Our local Sainsbury's in the centre is closing for good on Saturday, so I'll try and track down a bottle before then. (As long as it's only a soft drink with no alcohol.)

  19. Yes it's mostly sold as a soft drink (they have and an alcoholic version as well but yuk not a combination I would have thought was good!). EK will be like a ghost town soon as thats Debenhams closed as well and the EK M&S closed a few months ago etc.

  20. Biggest mistake they ever made was building the Centre West extension, McS, as most of the units have never been occupied since they were built. The Town Centre is a total joke these days when compared to the essential shops it had in the '60s and '70s.

  21. I love Dandelion & Burdock but my local Tesco only sells it in huge 2 litre bottles which I don't buy because the drink would go flat long before I'd finished the bottle. I only buy soft drinks in small 500ml bottles or 330ml cans. I have bought Dandelion & Burdock in cans too but I haven't seen any cans on sale for a few years. I don't know why Paul says Irn Bru is an acquired taste because I liked it straight away. My Tesco sells Irn Bru in big 2 litre bottles, small 500ml bottles and packs of 8 cans so it must be a popular drink!

  22. I assume he says it's an acquired taste perhaps because he wasn't mad about it to begin with, but eventually acquired a taste for it, CJ. That makes sense, doesn't it? And just because you liked it straight away doesn't mean that everyone will - or should. I still say it's sh*te. (And I'm an expert on the subject, considering how much of it I write.)

  23. As a kid I loved Irn Bru I just noted it was an acquired taste as although so many folk love it lots of folk seem to think it's way too sweet for them.

  24. Who'd have thought that anyone would ever describe sh*te as sweet? Ban it, that's what I say. When I take over the world, things will be different.

  25. Have you ever tasted Root Beer, yuk it smells like Germolene spot cream , tastes like it as well.

  26. Never tasted any kind of beer, McS. I quite like the smell of Germolene though, particularly the original one.

  27. Root beers is mostly a soft drink based on sassafras Kid (although there are low alcohol versions of it)its only called a beer as it's fermented like normal beer.

  28. I'll maybe give one a try some day, just to see what it's like.

  29. Ginger beer isn't a beer either if you want to try that, Kid.

  30. Oh, I knew that, CJ - last had a few cans of it around 17 years ago, that being the first time since I was a kid.


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