Sunday 24 January 2021


Two going spare...

I'm lucky enough to own three 1960s 45 rpm record singles of the theme from Fireball XL5 - two black label ones, plus the original blue label version.  Originally, they were released in standard HMV sleeves, but I wanted something a little more fancy.  (Incidentally, these singles aren't to be confused with the recent reissue on orange vinyl by Silva Screen Records, which I also have.)  Many years ago, sometime in the '90s, someone very kindly lent me their EP version of the theme so that I could tape it and make a replica of the cover.  That was farsighted of me, as I recently managed to obtain a copy of the actual EP itself, but without its sleeve.  You'll be happy to know that the two are now united.

Anyway, around 8 months back I scanned my replica cover, made a few adjustments (removing mention of the two extra tunes that aren't on the single), and had a go at making paper covers for my three original records, which I successfully did.  There was a bit of trial and effort involved before I was more-or-less satisfied with the results, and I have two of these 'trial' versions available to anyone who would like one.  (Only one per person.)  So if you have the '60s single and fancy a nice sleeve (though not as nice as mine) to store it in, just let me know and I'll send you one at my own expense.  First come, first served.

The way to do it is send your name and address to the comments section, which has comment moderation so nobody will see your address because I won't publish it.  I'll send out a cover and your address will be deleted from my computer.  It won't be sold on, given to anyone, or used for any other purpose, so you can relax.

The pic above shows the two sleeves side-by-side - the back of one, the front of the other - so no assembly required.  Like I said - only two available so better be quick!  And remember - the record isn't included.  


  1. I'll get one in the post to you, LM, first chance I get.

  2. Nae bother. I'll try and post it tomorrow.


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