Thursday 24 December 2020


 Wish YOU were a Spaceman I mean...

Look what I treated myself to recently - a limited edition orange vinyl 45rpm single of the theme song to Fireball XL5, sung by Don Spencer, B-sided by Zero G, the "great Fireball music" (to quote the kid - voiced by Sylvia Anderson - from the Journey To The Moon mini-album) that ran through the '60s Gerry Anderson TV puppet show.  This is the official photo, saving me the bother of having to scan my own copy.  If you're quick you might still be able to get one for yourselves, so don't dilly-dally.  (Google it for where it's available from as prices vary.)

And once again, a Merry Christmas to all Crivvies everywhere!


  1. I'll have that song in my head all day now!

  2. That was one of my all time favourite songs as a kid. I moved on to the music of other "spacemen" after that of course but it still has a wee place in my affections. Hope Santa's good to you in the morning and you have a great Christmas.

  3. Yeah, catchy, DS, innit? There's also a vinyl album available, but I'm going to get the cd instead.


    I really wanted it for the cover, McS, 'cos I've already got three copies of the original '60s single. The very first one had a blue label, so I've got that and two black label versions. I reciprocate the Christmas wishes - have a good 'un.

  4. Found this strange Christmas song about a Dalek that you may like on Howie world of comics blog - it's truly awful,so you may like it 😁

  5. Thanks, McS, but I featured it on the blog a few years ago. It's also included in a cd collection of '60s & '70s Dr. Who records, which I happen to have. Was Santa good to you?

  6. I got lots of great presents thank very happy, looking forward to tucking into my dinner soon. Hope your having a nice time.

  7. Two thirds of a tin of beans left from yesterday, so I might have some of them for my dinner - as a starter - then I'll have a microwave chicken dinner later on. I know how to live!

  8. For East Kilbride that's quite fancy 😃

  9. Where I'm concerned, it's quite fancy for any location. And I've got a Christmas pud as well, served with Carnation Milk and real cream. I spoil myself, I really do.

  10. Being born in 1962 I have no real memory of Fireball.The one I remember was Stingray and the theme music with Marina(a song that does stay in your head)!But all paled into insignificance with Thunderbirds,the greatest childrens TV show of all time(steady...that sherry is verry potent).I have bored everyone with my love of Thunderbirds,especially TB2,and it really was the best Christmas present ever.As always Kid,fond memories are stirred by your pleasant ramblings and always happy to join in!You are helping keep everyone sane...perhaps an honoury title of Dr. Kid might be bestowed in the New Year Honours.Keep up the great work and Merry Christmas to you and all your followers!!Are you possibly becoming a cult!!

  11. I've been called a 'cult' a few times, Triple F... or at least a very similar-sounding word. As for Dr. Kid, I'm sure some people think it's more a case of a doctor FOR Kid, though I prefer Kid for The Doctor! Anyway, thanks for the kind sentiments, and I hope you and yours had and have a great Christmas and an even better 2021.

  12. Kid, my "Christmas dinner" was a sausage roll, a cheese & onion pasty and a buttered bagel.

    On the subject of food - I've been watching 'Fanny Cradock Cooks Christmas' on BBC 4, originally broadcast in 1975.
    Fanny Cradock - what a blast from the past!

  13. I had a chicken and gravy pie, chips and beans, CJ, followed by ice cream with carnation milk and real cream. Yum!

    And all I can say is that if you're making doughnuts from Mrs. Craddock's recipe, then I hope all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny's.


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