Saturday 7 November 2020


The Wondrous Lynda Carter...

Lynda Carter popped in for a
visit yesterday, so I invited her to stay
overnight and made her very welcome in
the 'guest room'.  That reminds me, I'd better
take her some breakfast as she'll doubtless be
ravenous after all the energy she exerted trying
to slip out of her chains.  Dunno why, as they
were only to ensure that she was comfortable.
Anyway, nice of her to dress in her Wonder
Woman costume.  (Or  did I dress her
 like that?  Can't quite recall.)


  1. Happy birthday for tomorrow, Kid!

  2. You must be mixing me up with Rupert Bear, CJ. He's 100 tomorrow. (But thanks anyway.)

  3. Happy belated birthday, Kid. Hope you had a good one!

  4. Not one card as it happens - so yeah.

  5. Kid, you have got to get control of your life and stop these Amazonian beauties harrassing you and looking for a free night's kip.

  6. It's not my fault, Glas - I just can't help being irresistible. And most of them usually insist on sharing MY bed.


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