Friday 20 November 2020


Comics, bigotry, and school shootings...

Here's a book that some of you might find interesting.  It was given to me by the author, famous man-about-town and talented Glasgow artist Tom Campbell, and though I couldn't say I agree with all of Tom's observations or conclusions on the subject, it's a strangely-compelling and sometimes disturbing read which offers several fascinating insights and theories as to perhaps why some ostracized loners resort to violence in disproportionate and seemingly indiscriminate ways in order to settle scores with those whom they believe have persecuted them.  (And they're not always wrong in that perception.)

That's the 'Reader's Digest' version of the book in my own words, but there's more to it than that.  Tell you what, take a look at the back cover below and read what no less a personage than Alan Moore has to say about Tom's autobiographical work, which is handsomely illustrated (in black and white) by the author and available from Waterstones, Blackwell's, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.  For more info, visit

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