Monday 16 November 2020


 Grab 'em while they're going...


The Facsimile Edition of X-Men #4 arrived today, along with True Believers reprints of FF #52 and Avengers #83.  Perhaps it's an oversight, but the original 12c price is still in the cover corner box, whereas previous FEs have substituted the current cost of the mags.  I wonder if future FEs will follow the same route?  Time will tell.  One quibble I have is that the indicia has been placed under the splash page, whereas, in the original, it appeared under the ad inside the cover.

Next up, below, is the TB version of Fantastic Four #52, featuring the debut of The Black Panther.  No real complaints with this one and although I have a prior 'facsimile edition' (scanned from an original ish), the reproduction here is far superior, having been sourced from pristine new proofs.

Next is another little beauty of a TB - Avengers #83.  While I'm not crazy about the 'pc' corner caption on the splash, I don't mind it so much on the True Believers, but they did something similar with the facsimile of Tales Of Suspense #39.  On a facsimile, it compromises the historical integrity of the mag, and should be relegated to a line in the indicia where it wouldn't be so intrusive.

Anyway, that's your lot for now, Crivvies.  If you don't already have these mags, run out and buy them right away - or order them online.


  1. I saw the X-Men and FF facsimile editions in my local comics shop last week (I peered in the window before it opened).

    Today is the 46th anniversary of me buying (OK, my mother buying) POTA No.5 - my first ever Marvel comic :)

  2. I'd ordered and paid for mine several weeks before they were even released, CJ, but I'm at the mercy of the post as to when they're delivered. Can't scan 'em before they arrive. Happy anniversary on your first ever Marvel comic. Shame it wasn't an earlier, better ish - like MWOM for example.

  3. Still Not got My X-men, so I've messaged up the seller, like yourself i ordered several weeks ago..judging from your pics Kid, it looks great.

  4. If they could only make the barcode box smaller and less intrusive on the covers, I'd be a happy man, RD.

  5. Kid, I regard POTA No.5 as a classic - it had a fantastic cover with interior art by George Tuska (POTA), Barry Smith (Ka-Zar) and Gil Kane (Gullivar Jones). A perfect introduction to Marvel in my opinion.

  6. Nah, a perfect introduction would have been Kirby on Hulk and FF, and Ditko on Spider-Man in the first 19 issues of MWOM, CJ. Now THEY were classics.

  7. Anything 60's featuring Ditko or Kirby is Marvel at its best, yes the Barcode should be moved to the back of the comic, if that were possible, for a true facsimile.

  8. I remember getting POTA number 1, and rushing around to my mates house, and holding it up as he answered the door, we then had to both go back o the local newsagents, so he could get one, i put the poster on my wall as soon as i got back, brilliant days!

  9. I will need to add FF 52 to my list that has (imho) some of Kirby's best FF art. I have the original of Avengers 83 so will miss that and not a big early X-Men fan. Have to say those early POTA weeklies were pretty cool I only recently picked some up for 50p each and was pleasantly surprised just how good the were.

  10. My replacement copy for #1 (which I got decades ago) still has its poster, which has never been removed, RD. Same goes for my Dracula Lives #1.


    POTA was okay I suppose, McS. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have bought it, but I still think MWOM & SMCW were better.

  11. Oh yeah there is no question that MWOM in particular, was the "gold standard". I never bought POTA at the time but it had some brilliant art and stories.

  12. And some brilliant letters from fans. It even published one of mine.

  13. Dracula Lives!..of course, i forgot all about that, i didn't buy it a the time, but i did have a few of the Marvel US ones, Still have a couple of the 'Giant Size' Dracula.

  14. BTW Kid..did you get the new Dalek Bookzine? printing the TV21 Strips, i got mine from Panini arrived on sat, it's brilliant, as i missed out on the 90's Dalek Chronicles re-print, so I'm well happy to get the new one.

  15. I think I preferred Dracula Lives to POTA, RD, though I bought them both at the time. My DL #1 still has its poster too.

    Yup, Daleks arrived about 20 minutes ago - excellent. I was waiting 'til I got my hands on a copy before featuring it, so it'll be going up on the blog this evening sometime (busy at the mo). Incidentally, it knocks the 1994 version right out of the water.

  16. That's Great you still got both with the posters in them,looking forward to your Daleks post, yes the bookzine is fab isn't it, new Dr Who mag is good too, lots of the 60's & 70's toy's in it.

  17. Is the new Dr. Who mag any different to the Merchandise Special they did around 3 years back, RD? That one covered pretty much everything, if I remember correctly.

  18. It's from a fan/Collectors point of view..rather than a history of the toys a 'I remember the first talking dalek i had..this happened to it'..ect..

  19. Ah, right. I'll take a look at it if WHS have any left, RD.

  20. I got the Merch Special issue you mentioned too, that's fantastic,I'll always buy DWM if they feature any toy's or 70's Dr who.

  21. Same as me, RD, as long as it's not always the same photos.

  22. I've seen many rumours over the last few years that Marvel and DC's parent companies (but especially DC's) long-term plan is to move away from printing monthly comics and just do online comics which can then be sold as collections in book shops.

    If they do that, I'd love it if they stepped up the number of Facsimiles they published instead, maybe 2 or 3 per week, and published as consecutive issues- imagine being able to go into a comic shop and buy facsimiles of, for example, Hulk #2, FF #2 and Journey Into Mystery #83 tomorrow, then go back next week to get the following issues!

    Actually, I'm a little surprised that they haven't yet done a Facsimile of JiM 83. Am sure it must be on the cards though!

  23. I think JIM #83 should be due for a facsimile before too long, DS. They're probably still trying to figure out where to put the barcode box.

  24. I think comics as we knew them will soon be a thing of the past, online seems to be the future for them. I'm sure there will always be the odd hard copy comic/mag being published but can't see it being the norm much longer.

  25. Phew! Just regained Internet access after losing it for several hours, McS, hence the delay in replying. I don't think I'd bother with comics if they were online only - I much prefer an actual comic - the real thing.

  26. Same here, to be honest I'm not interested in 95% of new comics anyway only older stuff

  27. And, to be honest, I don't think I'd even be interested in the older stuff if it were only available online, McS.

  28. Kid- have you seen what Facsimile edition we're getting in February? A Joe Maneely Black Knight issue from 1955! I can't wait for that one- I remember reading some reprints in, I think, Fantasy Masterpieces and really enjoying them.

    McScotty- the rumour I read recently is that the Warner Bros plan is for DC to move away from monthly comics and do serialized online mini-series' which can later be packaged and sold in 'proper' bookshops. No idea how much truth there is in that, but they are moving to a new distributor who is apparently going to focus more on supermarkets than comic shop. Like I said, I'd hate for that to happen, but if it does, hopefully they just step up the Facsimile editions- there are so many of those that I'd love to see.

  29. I think I've got the Fantasy Masterpieces ish that reprints the first Black Knight strip - might have another reprint of it somewhere as well. I'll definitely be getting that facsimile.

    I don't see why DC (and Marvel) can't arrange for their comics to be sold in comics shops, newsagents, and supermarkets. If they're available in more places, in theory they could sell more copies.

  30. I think moving comics back into newsagents etc would be a great idea and would hopefully lead to better stories and better all age comics . Specialist shops could sell other titles as I assume they wouldn't sell 100s of different title every month in supermarkets. Even just a couple dozen title would be good.

  31. Agreed, McS. Too many kids and youths have never gotten into the habit of reading comics because they've had limited exposure to them. Something needs to change.

  32. Hi just stumbled accidentally on this blog. First of all congratulations great blog. And second I have a question that I hope some here can answer: Has Marvel given up on the True Believers line? Thanks

  33. Clearly not, or I wouldn't be able to feature new issues as they come out.

    1. Thanks for the quick reply. Was just asking because Previews catalogue for December January and Febuary don't have any True Believers for pre order. Thanks once again

  34. I suppose it's always possible, but I haven't heard anything about them being cancelled, so I guess I'll have to wait and see. I'm still waiting for ones I pre-ordered that are due out near the end of the month.


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