Friday 9 October 2020



As I now own much better copies of the two Frankie Stein books seen above, I've decided to offer these two as a prize to the first person who can answer the following question correctly.  In what comic periodical did my first published freelance lettering job for IPC appear, and what was the name of the strip?  There's even a runner-up prize - namely a second spare copy I have of the 1977 book.  I'll announce the winners (assuming that anyone participates) in a week, and they can then send me their address to post the books to them.

Fear not, addresses won't be published, nor used for any other purpose (no passing on to anyone else), and will be deleted from my files once books are sent out.  You've got nothing to lose, so why not give it a go?  Despite their less-than-perfect condition, these books cost me a pretty penny, I can tell you, and they could be yours for free You certainly don't get a chance like this every day.  Obviously, I'd prefer them to go to someone who really wants them, as opposed to someone who's just going to put them up for sale on ebay.  (I could do that myself.)

Here's a clue - the answer is in a post on the blog somewhere.  Competition open only to UK residents.


  1. Was it Thargs Future shocks for 2000AD ?

  2. I never touched Shona's sheepdog, M'lud. I'm not that kind of guy.

    As you well know, CJ, Mandy was a DCT comic, not an IPC one. And DCT comics back then used typeset lettering. You don't really want to win, do you? And I ordered my CTB Epic Collection, in case you didn't see my comment about it.

  3. Kid, I didn't have a clue whether Mandy was IPC or DCT (I suspect you were joking). And yes, I did see your comment about the CTB Epic collection - now I'll look forward to your review of it :)

  4. Cap'n Kid & the Pirates for Whizzer & Chips

  5. Cap'n Kid & the Pirates for Whizzer & Chips

  6. Cap'n Kid & the Pirates for Whizzer & Chips

  7. Yeah I think it is what Fred said ( just saw a Buster rerview with you on this)

  8. Wasn't joking about Mandy being by DCT, CJ, was about the dog. Review? Try holding me back.


    Heard you the first time, Fred - or is there an echo in here? Send me your address again (UK only remember) and I'll get them off to you as soon as I can. Might be around 10 days before I'm near a post office though.


    Unfortunately for your book collection, no, DS - wasn't HH.


    If you'd only seen it sooner, McS, I could've saved myself some postage and got a coffee out of you into the bargain. It's my fault for not being more famous. (More?)

  9. Well done Fred!

    Did you work on Harlem Heroes, Kid, or have I completely imagined that?

  10. Only if it was brought back as a one-shot in a Special - not on the regular (original) strip as I hadn't started my full-time freelance career then, DS.

  11. Right (said) Fred, received your address, will probably be a week on Wednesday before I can send them, but if I can do so sooner, I will. Cheers.

  12. Fred, I managed to get to the PO today, so the books should hopefully be with you before the weekend. You'd given me the wrong postcode, but the lassie behind the counter sorted it.

  13. Sorry about that, it must have been the excitement of winning that made me make an error... They have arrived and look great, many thanks!

  14. Meant to say, you obviously just hit a 'y' on your keyboard instead of the neighbouring 't' when typing out your postcode, so it wasn't that you didn't know it, it was just a typo.


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