Saturday 24 October 2020


Lovers of John Romita's art will appreciate this latest True Believers issue, featuring The Black Widow in her new costume for the first time.  Romita was a master visual storyteller and his panel-to-panel layout was always easy on the eye and crystal clear to follow, which is something that some of the modern crop of comicbook artists would benefit from emulating.  Anyway, below is a few pages to show you that I ain't just whistling Dixie.  Available now from where comics are sold.


  1. I remember that cover from Spider-Man Comics Weekly No.109 - I'd only started reading SMCW at No.103 and only discovered Marvel comics a couple of months before that.

  2. I've got that very issue, CJ (I think). Shame you didn't jump aboard the Marvel UK bus earlier, 'cos you missed the comics at their best.

  3. One of the first comics I bought and I still have it! Not a very good story .

  4. Maybe, PS, but some great pics of Natasha.

  5. And a great cover, one of my faves. The inside has a bit too much Mooney for my liking though.
    Kid, I hope the True Believers issue has a dedication to Diana Rigg. It would be nice if it did.
    Spirit of '64

  6. I never minded Mooney's inking on Romita, S64; I thought they suited one another. No dedication to Diana you'll be sorry to hear.

  7. After eventually having read the newspaper strip, I would have thought Natasha's "remake" was more influenced by Modesty Blaise than Diana Rigg, especially once her Amazing Adventures stories with Ivan began running.

  8. I must confess that I never looked at Natasha and thought of Diana, BS, but perhaps S64 knows something that we don't? However, there does seem to be a Modesty influence going on, so I'd guess you're right.


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