Thursday, 29 October 2020


Take a look at the first of the above two panels from page 4 of The Avengers #43.  Can you spot the mistake?  Well, it'd be hard to miss, wouldn't it?  Surely, though, the writer (Roy Thomas) who scripted the dialogue also indicated what the 'sound-effect' should be?  Wait, I've got it - it's a doorbell that chimes like a door-knock.  That's surely worth a 'No-Prize' if anything is, eh?  I'm a certified genius.  (Certified anyway - I may have imagined the 'genius' part.)  


  1. I blame the letterer that lot never follow the script which probably said "...door" and s/he added ".....doorbell" :)

    I see there are a few tasty True Believers and facsimile editions being released in November including a facsimile of Avenger 57 (Behold the Vision) and TBs of Hulk issue 141 (His name is Samson) and Avengers issue 48 (Black Knight) – I will be getting these when they come out especially excited to see Hulk 141 as it was one of my favourites issues from my favourite comic at this time.

  2. Funnily enough, I'd considered that possibility, McS, but most letterers would rather reduce the amount of words in a script, not add to them. And as the same letterer also did the 'sound effect', he would surely have spotted his error?

    I pre-ordered the facsimiles and TBs of Avengers #s 48, 57, Hulk #141, plus a few others, and can't wait to see them. I've got the original ish of the Hulk TB, but it'll be good to see the more vibrant colours of the reprint.

  3. I have Hulk 141 in a Hulk Masterworks edition I picked up for £7 :) and the Vison tale somewhere in a collection, but I like getting the TBs etc as its like picking up the old comics and I hardly buy any new books now so its something to pick up when I am in the comic shops.

  4. Can't recall whether I've already got a reprint of the Hulk ish, McS, but I've got the Vision one at least a couple of times over in reprint form. Yeah, it's great to see them reprinted as individual comics, isn't it? I love 'em.

  5. Don’t they have knocking doorbells in Scotland? It’s all the rage here!

  6. You have to remember, PS, that it's still 1958 in my house. I'll maybe catch up eventually.

  7. 1958
    You've got some great comics to a few years!
    Spirit of '64

  8. Or did I mean 19:58, as in two minutes to eight? My head hurts.

  9. Christopher Nevell30 October 2020 at 09:37

    The guy at the door didn’t think the doorbell was working as he didn’t hear it, so he knocked straight away.

    I claim my No-Prize.

  10. I didn't 'hear' it either, CN (no sound effect), so maybe it WASN'T working. In which case, why did someone claim to hear it? There's a bigger mystery here than it would seem.


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