Thursday 24 September 2020



Due to changes recently introduced by Blogger as to how posts are composed, I no longer have the easy flexibility to arrange or move opening images precisely into the position I want in order to keep them consistent with the layout of previous posts.  If I was prepared to faff about for half an hour, after much trial and effort, I might be able to get them exactly where I want them, but life's too short so I can no longer guarantee continuity in spacing between one post and another.  Everything about the new Blogger now makes everything about five times longer and more difficult to do than previously.  Why the hell do they do it?  Surely their motto should be "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?  Well, they've now broken it!


  1. This sort of shite happens all the time with the internet! You just get used to how things work, and usually they work quite well, when some nerk behind the scenes has to muck about with code, formatting or whatever and screw it all up!

    Case in point, and why I'm using (relatively) stronger language than is the norm for me, image formats; I save a lot of images off the internet (Comic covers, album covers, science fiction, fantasy and paleo art (Dinosaurs) film stills etc) and it used to be a simple right click 'save image'. But now more often than not you just get a blue rectangle instead of the image. There are workarounds but now it is much harder. I'm thankful that at least now Firefox has a print screen option at least.

    Like you say, if it ain't broken...

  2. It's almost as if they're trying to dissuade people from using Blogger, PC. Everything is now much more difficult, and that's not due to unfamiliarity with the new format, it's mainly down to them having screwed things up. I really hope they realise their mistake soon and revert to the Legacy format.

  3. Yep, blogger changes are a pain Kid I agree. Its always the way, the bi-annual improvements on everything we are used to on Blogger and on Ebay too. Just no need. I hate the way the stiff we are used to are called Legacy formats too!

  4. It's a nightmare, Woodsy. It takes me ages to get the first image in a post exactly where I want it. Everything, in fact, takes so much longer. Bah!

  5. Every blogger does, SZ. Because I can't maintain the usual spacing of a post's opening picture in relation to the title, I've had to introduce a sub-title to compensate for any difference to 'old' blog posts. At least they've now partially sorted the caption facility under a pic, and you now no longer have to delete 'Add Caption' once you're done.


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