Friday 7 August 2020


Having a ginormous back garden which is a bit wild and overgrown at the moment, the local foxes love lolling about in it.  Saw a couple today, with one lovingly grooming the other (no rumpy-pumpy involved), so grabbed my camera and snapped a few pics through the window and from just outside the back door.  The first one shows the reflection of the net curtain I drew aside to take the photo, and the focus isn't great on the next two as they were shot through glass, though the last two are perhaps slightly better.

Anyway, I thought it was a nice thing to behold and thought all you nature-loving Crivvies might too.  Incidentally, foxes are individuals and don't all behave in the same way.  Some will take food straight from my hand (very gently too), others get off their mark on sight of me (a bit like women), while a few keep their distance but don't look scared.  Any nice stories involving foxes, readers?  Let rip in the comments section.



  1. We had a fox that would show up in our back yard occasionally back in the early 90's. He had a great deal of gray color in his coat to go with the red. Looked like an oversized cat but with a bushy tail. I enjoyed watching him wander around the backyard.

  2. To me, they're just like little dogs in the way they look and behave. A year or two back, one used to wait on me outside the house, or if it saw me coming back from the shops, would run almost alongside me, then wait for me to come out and feed it once I got in. Took slices of cold meat right from my hand. There's a bench out in my back garden, and they take turns lying on it to sun themselves. Never used to see foxes 15 or 20 years ago, but there's been so much building on fields and surrounding countryside that we've invaded their space, so they're now invading ours. Ta for commenting, much appreciated.

  3. I don't know why some people seem to dislike them. They're fun to watch.

  4. Fabulous shots Kid! You've caught their natural state really well. I love the final take where Foxy is looking straight at you. Marvellous!

  5. Ta much, W. It was just starting to get a little dark outside and I couldn't use the flash (it would've reflected off the window), so they're a little blurred, but they're not too bad.


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