Monday 17 August 2020


I've shown these two THUNDERBIRD 4s before, but never together, and I thought you might find it interesting to compare them side-by-side.  The size difference isn't huge, but the difference in detail is immense, one being just a piece of yellow plastic and the other being quite an intricate representation of GORDON TRACY's aqua-craft - complete with the pilot himself.  (You can just see part of him through the clear window.)

The first one came free with SUGAR SMACKS back in the '60s, and the second was issued sometime within the last 10 years or so (by a Japanese company - can't remember the name and the box isn't to hand for me to check), but I couldn't choose between them (if I had to).  So here's a question for you all - if you could have only one of these models, which one would you choose and why?

Also, did any of you Crivvies ever own any kind of TB4 - or in fact, any Thunderbirds toy back in the '60s?  Do you still have it (or them), or did you track down and buy a replacement years after the fact?  Or how about TB toys you wanted but never owned?  Would you be prepared to fork out the astronomical sums that some of them command today - even if you could afford to - or are you content with your memories, with no desire to own things you once had or wanted?  Tell all. 


  1. The more detailed one, I think! As a guy in his 50s, that versión stimulates the nostalgia zone far more.

  2. Do you think you'd feel differently if you'd originally owned the Sugar Smacks one as a kid, JP? In other words, would nostalgia make you favour the one you originally had - or not? The new one is much more detailed, but the old one represents my childhood in a more tangible way, so I'm not sure I could ever choose between them. That's because the new one also represents my childhood - even though that particular manifestation of TB4 is 'retro' and didn't exist back then.

  3. I get what you mean, Kid but I think I would have been disappointed had I bought a box of Sugar Smacks and received just that piece of plastic. BUT, if I had kept it in a drawer or box and discovered it 40 years or more later, then my opinión would probably have been different. I would have been delighted.

  4. Funny you should say that, because whenever I acquire a replacement for anything I once owned, I sort of feel that it's been lying in a drawer or cupboard for years, and that I've just rediscovered it. I don't try to think that way, it's just how it seems. Strange, eh?

  5. Thunderbirds was an incredible tv show, just amazing. It was a major part of my childhood and Thunderbird 2 was the jewel in the crown, with the bonus being TB4 in the belly or the pod. It was always exciting to see the incredible machines that appeared from the different numbered pods. I have the green TB2 which came in a box from 1965/66 and also the blue TB2 in bubble wrap from 1970/71!Surely no toy has sold so well for so long after the series ended with the exception of Star Trek. It was in shops for at least a decade after the show ended. Loved so many episodes like the one with the giant alligators or the one with Scott standing on a bridge knowing if he moved a bomb would explode. Bought a boxed set in VHS and the videos came in 2 boxes shaped like pods! Did I mention I loved the show? Love to hear why there was a blue TB2 if anyone knows! My TB4 is metal and has no insides, merely a shell. As always Kid you manage to generate happy memories from the past and that is greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work mate.

  6. I probably have more TB2s than any other Gerry Anderson-related craft (or indeed any other craft of any kind), but it's not even my very top favourite, Triple F. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great, but I wish there were more Fireball XL5 toys around, 'cos that's probably my absolute favourite GA craft. I've got a few (around four) Dinky TB2s, two green, two blue - one of them being the larger-size later version. It's all metal, though Dinky later released it with a plastic base, in either black or white. Not sure if they did one with a blue plastic base or not. I've got the complete show on DVD, but not the one you mention - mine's in a big box with individual cases for each disc (if I recall correctly).

    As to why TB2 was later issued in blue, I suppose it was just to generate new interest in the toy, as by that time, probably every kid already had a green one. (Or maybe it was a Rangers/Celtic thing? Only kidding.) It might also be because Dinky thought the green was too militaristic. Whatever the reason, I bet that quite a lot of kids who already had the green version also bought the blue one, as it does look rather spiffing (to be posh for a moment).

    Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for taking the time to comment.

  7. Just realised it wasn't Scott on the bridge but Alan, the pilot of TB4. I did notice later toys had black, white or blue underbellies and your explanation seems plausible but for some reason I thought there was a flaw in the plastic legs of the original green TB2 and they were incapable of supporting the metal toy so they improved them and denoted this improvement by changing the colour of the toy!Perhaps I just imagined this but it has stuck in my head for over 40 years and with the wisdom of a village idiot it has now become fact in my head! Did I mention that I loved this toy?????????????????

  8. They changed the colour to blue while the toy was still in its original size, Triple F. I always thought that only the larger versions were blue until I saw (and bought) a smaller blue one (years after the fact of course). Yes, the legs on the first version were too spindly, and if kids followed the visual instructions, which showed the pod being pushed out while the legs were extended on a flat surface, one or more were liable to break because the pod fitted too tightly into the main body and required quite a bit of force to release it. Definitely a design flaw by Dinky.

    So tell me - do you like TB2? Don't be shy now.

  9. Take it or leave it mate, and no interest in comics either!

  10. Same as myself then. Bloody toys and comics, eh? Who'd 'ave 'em?!

  11. I always wanted the Dinky version of TB2 however, I had the MOLTO plastic version of TB1, and TB3, and the Jr 21 version of TB2. I never had TB4, not even in the pod with TB2. I left Glasgow in 1980 to join the Air Force and when I was gone, my father and my brother gave away/got rid of all of my "toys", immaculate Dinkys and Corgis still in boxes. Many other models all in display condition. I couldn't take them all with me as I didn't have the space and thought of course that my stuff was safe at home.
    I couldn't justifiably afford now to replace them so I am now more circumspect with what I collect.
    I like my large scale (1:8) cars like the DB5 and the E-Type, Merc SL and Lambo Countach but I've also indulged in the large TB2 ( I have bought a few Dinkys etc. but in poor condition for restoration, I'll get around to it some day when I retire (it's closer than ever!)

  12. The Dinky TB2 I had as a kid was 2nd-hand from a jumble sale, and the one I have now is one I restored myself - you can see it in the post entitled 'Has Anyone Seen My Dinky?' That's a bit of a horror story about your Dinky and Corgi collection being given away - I feel your pain. I'd have liked that large TB2, but I wouldn't have had the space to store it anywhere. Great model though.

  13. I just read your "Has Anyone Seen My Dinky?" blog, fantastic restoration, the photograph shows a superb finish. I agree with you about the cost and would rather have an immaculate restored version than an original with playwear.

  14. Ta much, glad you like it. It might have been slightly better had I spray-painted it, but I didn't have the necessary equipment. For a hand-painted restoration job, it's turned out very well indeed. I'm quite proud of it.


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