Thursday 13 August 2020



This post was suggested by a regular (I assume) reader, but I'm unsure whether he wants me to identify him or not so I won't for the moment.  However, he's bound to let us know if he wants the fame, glory, and adulation from hordes of screaming females that comes from being name-checked on Crivens.  Anyway, he proposed that I put the following scenario to all you pantin' Crivvies, so are you ready for this?

The year is 1971 and from your Marvel office in New York you address the editors and bean-counters in front of you.  "Marvelites Assembled!  I decree that next year we open up our own operation in the UK (gasps heard).  No more licences - we’re going direct (more gasps).  I see a weekly title (murmurs around the table), then when that’s a success we’ll launch another one the following Spring (nods all round) and then another in the fall (cheers and applause).  So let me throw it open to you - what strips shall we include and what names should these mags have?"

So pretend that you're one of those editors or bean-counters.  Ah, but can you include any of the titles and contents actually used back in '72 or not?  The reader didn't specify, though let's assume you can answer the question either way.  Would you have chosen the same characters in the same order, or mixed and matched them differently?  Would you have picked the same names for the mags, or do you have other ideas as to what they could have been called?

Go on, let's have some fun - play along and think about how you might've done things had you been in charge.  Who's going to be first?


  1. I think they are perfect as they are and I couldn't improve on them. It's my great regret that I didn't discover Marvel UK until POTA #5 in November 1974.

    By the way, the date on the cover of SMCW #1 was my 7th birthday.

  2. I'd have used the same characters in the same order, and also the same names for the mags, though perhaps it would've been a good idea to call the 3rd one Avengers Comics Weekly - just to have a theme going, titles-wise. And I'd have included Iron Man in SMCW from the 1st ish, instead of waiting 'til #50.

    (Sometimes, when nobody bites, you have to take the lead.)

  3. Well, whaddya know, CJ - you must've been submitting your comment as I was typing mine. When I published yours (after mine), it popped into first place.

  4. Christopher Nevell13 August 2020 at 21:16

    What a great idea for a post! (OK, it was my idea). We all know it worked out fine so it’s lucky that I wasn’t at the steering wheel aged 6 as the first title “Marvel” hits the newsagents in 1972 with the FF as lead, backed up with Spider-Man and Ant Man. Then the second title launch in early 1973 stars The Avengers with Iron Man and the Hulk as back up, and to avoid any possible confusion with Steed and Mrs Peel, the comic is not named The Avengers but “Action” instead, thereby changing Fleetway’s later title to a different name. The same happens with the third title in Autumn 1973 with “Battle” starring Captain America plus Sgt Fury and Ka-Zar. Meanwhile with Hulk 1 - 6 all used up by then, the Thor strips commence in Action. So there they are - Marvel, Action & Battle. No Daredevil yet or Doctor Strange. And of course later on Shang Chi ousts Ant Man (Giant Man by then) from Marvel, taking the FF off the front cover too and being forever hated by me.

  5. It's interesting to note that Marvel used their first four '60s superheroes in MWOM & SMCW. FF, Hulk, Spidey, and Thor were 1, 2, 3, & 4. (Hank Pym had appeared in a one-off tale somewhere in between, but hadn't yet assumed his Ant-Man identity.)

  6. I also think Marvel got this right as well first time around. It wouldn’t have worked if for example they introduced Captain America before the Avengers weekly went on sale as his origin was a major storyline in the early Avengers tales. At the time I would have changed SMCW’s title to simply “Spider-Man” as I initially though Spider-Man Comics Weekly was a strange title for the UK as most, if not all our comics were weeklies (but I soon grew to like the title). I would also have introduced Ant man / Giant Man to the MWOM instead of having two Hulk stories every week.

  7. Oddly, they introduced The Avengers before they reprinted Iron Man's first appearance, so some things were out of sequence from time-to-time. That's why I think they should've had Iron Man in SMCW from ish 1. (They also redrew some panels - Captain America changed to Dean Wilkerson (or some such name) in a Hulk strip, in order to avoid some readers wondering who CA was. Also, Giant-Man and The Wasp being changed to Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Girl in a Spidey tale.) As for two Hulk stories, McS, I wish they'd just kept Daredevil, who was dropped pretty quickly. Like you, though, I think they got it pretty much spot on from day one.

  8. They did a good job in general . The only comment I have is the lack of colour. I don’t know, it may have priced the comic out of reach. I do think their Steranko reprints were better than the US comics.

  9. Christopher Nevell14 August 2020 at 09:14

    In one of the MWOM letter pages they mention that the success of The Hulk had made them consider a rethink of the name of the comic.

  10. The early issues had around 4 or 5 full colour pages, PS, with them being increased to 8 with #5. It didn't last of course, and I think they'd all disappeared (apart from on the covers) before the years was out.


    Yeah, but that could be like one of those claims of two comics being merged 'due to popular demand', CN. Perhaps talk of a Hulk TV show was around even then, and this was Marvel UK preparing their response in advance for such a thing happening? The Mighty World Of Marvel title did shrink, with Hulkie's name taking up more space on the cover. I'd have been sad if the MWOM name had disappeared altogether.

  11. Kid, the much-delayed Epic Conan Collection (featuring Conan The Barbarian #1-13) is now available. Well, the e-book version is available so I assume the physical version is too. The cover is the classic one from CTB #1 (and Marvel UK's Savage Sword Of Conan #1 of course).

  12. Thanks, CJ. I'll no doubt be adding that to my collection at the earliest opportunity. I'm off to see if it's available on ebay.

  13. Fantastic covers Kid. This is THE place to see classic comic covers. And you're getting lots of comments! Yay!

  14. I want more, Woodsy - more, more!!!

  15. Ahhhh....the early 70s UK Marvel could you go wrong with such great silver age content....
    I have fond nostalgia for the initial issues of MWOM, but this was because this was the first time I saw the FF, the Hulk, Spidey (and of course Lee, Kirby and Ditko), aided by some very strong covers, but production values shot downhill pretty quickly afterwards, and most covers and splashes were done on a real shoestring. I doubt they paid any reprint monies to the creators, and even in spite of the low cost base the comics were far from being a commercial success, with continual title consolidations. The only plus side was being able to see some of the magnificent art in a larger size ( for a time, until they came up with the landscape format).
    Spirit of '64

  16. I thought it was great to see the early stories again after first reading them in the Odhams Power Comics of the '60s, but the '70s UK Marvels did look a bit hasty at times. It was perhaps less obvious in the early issues of MWOM, but as time wore on, standards slipped - and presumably sales along with them. However, the first 30 or so issues of MWOM had 'atmosphere' (as did the early issues of SMCW), but that atmosphere dissipated after they'd reprinted the early US classics. So I pretty much agree with you, S64.

  17. I like your turn of phrase here (re 'atmosphere') ever you have succinctly hit the nail on the head!
    Spirit of '64

  18. I like it as well, S64, but then again, I've always been my biggest fan. Commenter TC is always great at being succinct.


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