Friday 3 July 2020


I recently bought a SPACE BLIMP Of CHRISTMAS, manufactured by LP Toys back in the '60s.  What's that?  I already mentioned it?  Are you sure?  Well, whad'ya know, it must've slipped my mind.  Seeing as I'm here, I may as well show show these new photos I took of my classic collectable item.  Betcha wish you had one, eh?  No?  What's wrong with you guys?!  Are you ill?  


  1. It is Pretty Great..You've even got me thinking of trying to get one!

  2. This is one of the few items described as rare, RD, that IS genuinely rare. (Unlike most of the so-called 'rare' items on ebay that are ten-a-penny.) If you could actually find another Space Blimp in this condition (if at all), I'd be surprised - but best of luck.

  3. Images of Santa on his sleigh always amuse me because of the tiny sack of toys he has with him - how does he fit all the world's toys in that small sack? But I've got two theories which might explain it:

    1) The sack is like the Tardis - it's actually a gigantic warehouse inside and there's an army of elves constantly moving toys to the sack's opening so Santa can deliver them as he moves across the world.

    2) Santa is a time-traveller and he doesn't really deliver all the toys on a single night. At the end of each day Santa loads up his sled with all the toys made by the elves on that day and then he travels forward in time to Christmas Eve and delivers those toys to a different place each time. In this way he can spend the entire year delivering toys.

  4. Two good theories, CJ - here's another one: All the presents inside Santa's sack are shrunk down to microscopic size and enlarge on contact with air. That's why the presents at the top of his sack which are exposed to the air are normal size, but all the rest underneath are tiny. That way, he can get every Christmas gift in the world inside his sack.

    In specific regard to the Space Blimp, that's his emergency back-up sleigh for last-minute presents. He uses his normal sleigh and its full complement of reindeer for the main run, but for last-minute additions, he jumps into his rocket Blimp to deliver them. No point hitching up the reindeer again for just a (relatively) few presents.

    I'd say I deserve a Blue Peter Badge for my imagination, but I've already got two (genuine) ones.

  5. What did you do to get the Blue Peter badges? Or are they second hand from e-bay?

  6. I slept with Valerie Singleton. She said that one badge wasn't enough of a reward for my 'performance', so she gave me two. (She also threw in a cup of tea and a biscuit.)

    However, back to the real world. I bought them 'pre-owned' from ebay, CJ. Second-hand is so common.

  7. In case you need a reminder... Christmas isn't until December this year :)

  8. Tell that to Santa, MH - HE'S the one who came to my house in July.


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