Monday 6 July 2020


I really don't know where my head is sometimes.  There was I, a couple or so posts back, showing you some of my prize friction-drive toys from the '60s & '70s, and guess what?  I only forgot to include two of the best ones.  Doh!  Anyway, if you'd like to see which ones, click on this link.  Meanwhile, I'll try to remember whether there's any others I inadvertently overlooked.


  1. This doesn't look like a SPACE BLIMP Of CHRISTMAS at all? Did you load the wrong image?

  2. That's the Earth Mouse Of Cheddar, T47. He demanded the spotlight.

  3. Because I'm over seven years younger than you a lot of the things you write about are a mystery to me...but I read them anyway :)

  4. A lot of the things I write about are a mystery to me also, CJ - but I write (and read) them anyway too.


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