Friday 3 July 2020


I've got a few other friction-drive toys than just the ones shown here, but they'll have to wait for another time as they're up in the loft - and these babies on display are the 'biggies' of my f-d collection anyway.  Two of them I obtained when I asked on this 'ere blog if anyone had them and the sellers got in touch.  See?  There can be benefits to this blogging malarkey that you'd never have anticipated, and I'd likely still be without YOGI on his scooter and SANTA in his Space Blimp if Crivens didn't exist.

I've shown most of them before, but these pics are all brand-new photos taken especially for this post.  Of the seven toys being shown for the first time, two are of Yogi Bear - one of him in his car and the other a 'running' Yogi - no doubt fleeing from either RANGER SMITH or CINDY BEAR.  The others are of a nifty little racing car, two rabbits (or hares), and a mouse.

Anyway, I hope that you'll enjoy the images that follow - they were all taken especially for you Crivs.  Incidentally, all '60s toys shown here are the original versions (as are the others) - there's not a modern reissue or replica to be seen.  Did you have any of them when you were a kid?  If so, share your memories with the rest of us.

Update: How could I do it?!  I forgot a couple of my most prized f-d toys - GEMINI SPACE CAPSULE and STEVE ZODIAC & ZOONY The LAZOON on a jetmobile.  Now added, so check 'em out!  And I just realised that SMASH MARTIAN is a wind-up toy, so I've removed him from the post.  He'll pop up again when I get around to showing you my 'clockwork' toys.


  1. I have a suspicion that Thunderbird 2 was everyone's favourite. Am I right?

  2. The originals were all my favourites in turn when I first got them, DS. Now they're all my favourites together.

  3. I like the red formula 1 car as I used to have a similar one as a kid.

  4. It says 'Ferguson' on the other side of it, but I don't know if that's the name of the car or the driver, McS. I'll Google it.

  5. Just checked - it's a Ferguson P99, driven in the '60s by Stirling Moss and Peter Westbury.

  6. Brilliant collection Kid, i have the Smash Martian, and Friction Dalek, love the others especially the Thunderbird 2.

  7. Thanks, RD, I'm very pleased with it. I'd love to be able to add TB1, TB3, Fireball XL5, and Stingray friction-drive toys. Maybe one day.

  8. RD, I've just realised that the Smash Martian isn't 'friction-drive', so I've removed his photo. I'll save it for when I do a post about 'wind-up' toys. I'll add a note to the text.

  9. I hadn't even thought of that, i was considering them as all plastic i guess, i have 2 of those one boxed & one with antenna's missing, I've got a bendy one too (ooh err), and a couple of smash martian pencil toppers.
    Looking forward to the wind up toys post.

  10. I've got the Bendy one and the pencil-toppers as well, RD. I bought the Bendy one when it first came out back in the '70s, the wind-up one and the toppers I acquired a good many years ago now as an adult (allegedly).

  11. A toy dealer friend of mine had a shop counter box full of the pencil toppers that's where we got our 2 from...not sure if i should have bought the box full.

  12. I can't recall where I got my toppers - might've been ebay. My first Bendy Smash Martian I got from a special offer with Smash, and I remember its grey colour was lighter than the one for sale in shops. I bought one of those as well, and it's the darker one I still have - there's a photo of it on the blog somewhere, taken in my back garden around 1977.

  13. A fantastic assortment of rich friction that Kid! Wow! Love it! and the Blimp is right on there now safely part of the Kid Kollection! I saw this today on Worthpoint and it made me think of the Blimp a little! The Santa Snowmobile!

  14. That looks great, Woodsy. I wouldn't at all mind having one of them. Wonder which came first, and whether one inspired the other.

  15. Hello! What company made the yogi bear in the blue car? I never seen anything like it!

  16. The name of the manufacturer is Linda. (Nope, never heard of them before.)


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