Friday, 31 July 2020


Okay, so it might be just an illustration, but
this pic of BIG BARDA sure rings my bell!  Any-
body else brave enough to admit to being a 'paper
pin-up perv'?  Relax, it's not a crime (yet).


  1. I'll be the first to announce to the world that I'm a PPP (paper pinup perv).

    I especially love Namio Harukawa's nude art. His big girls are better than the real thing. Are you a fan as well?

  2. I have to be honest and say I don't think I've ever heard the name or seen his art, MH. If I Google search him, it won't bring me a knock on my door from the boys in blue, will it?

  3. As you said yourself, it's not a crime. Take a look and tell me what you think. I have hundreds of his images on my PC.

  4. Ooer, missus! Took a look, but though I might not mind a good looking babe doing that to me in person, I'm not really into looking at pictures of it being done to other men. It's like having someone else in the room intruding on your fantasies.

  5. You can't enjoy the action vicariously? I've been a fan of Eric Stanton's femdom art for decades. Harakuwa's drawings are a different style, but they're in the same spirit.

  6. Yeah, in this case, the presence of the guys prevented me appreciating the illos for some reason. Maybe because they gave the impression of being 'tortured', and weren't enjoying themselves. Or maybe it's just not my thing? Dunno.

  7. I'm not ashamed to admit it that when Barda picked up that cannon I became a man.

    Rip Off

  8. I'm familiar with the scene to which you refer, RJ, otherwise I might've thought you were indulging in a euphemism. In fact, I think I will - she can 'pick up my cannon' any time.


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