Wednesday 3 June 2020



"The only good alien... is a dead alien!" could well be the mental motto of DONALD TRUMP.  (What an apt surname for someone who's such an @rse, don't you think?  See?  Comics and politics side-by-side - is there nothing I can't do?)  Anyway, not much that you haven't seen here before, Crivs, aside from the UK version of the cover to The MIGHTY AVENGERS #89 (above).  I've shown the two TRUE BELIEVERS incarnations previously, but I thought it would be handy if I put all four variations together in the one post, so here they are.  Enjoy comparing the differences (if you've nothing better to do).


  1. That brings back fond memories of 'The Avengers & The Savage Sword Of Conan'. I looked at a cover gallery and there were an awful lot of crappy UK-exclusive covers with atrocious artwork but the comic looked really good when the original US covers were used.

  2. The original US covers were usually far better, CJ, though they've ruined the perspective on this one by moving the window down that the Avengers are looking through. I thought the new covers on the '70s MWOM were good when drawn by John Buscema (only #1, alas) and Jim Starlin, but after that they weren't quite so good.

  3. Trump is an obnoxious shmuck, but he is not a cuck, he is not a dhimmi, and he is not a communist. That's how low the bar is in our elections.

    I would vote for the Creature From the Black Lagoon if it ran against Biden, Clinton, Obama, or Pelosi.

  4. What America needs right now, TC, is Howard The Duck to run for president. (Or at least run him over.)


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