Wednesday 10 June 2020


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Still with us?  Good!  If you're one of the few readers following the escapades of DON STARR, you'll know that this is the second of six episodes of the secret agent's very last tale as told in the titanic TERRIFIC (titanic because it pretty soon sank without trace - geddit?), published way back in the late '60s.  Anyway, I won't detain you any longer from reliving your pulsating past in these power-packed pages - get stuck in!


  1. Hi,
    On a different subject - I read your review of TV21 no 243 Special Edition and agree with what you wrote although the quality (or possibly style) of the illustrating did vary considerably between the various artists even in the issues I had as a kid, 1 - 105. For example comparing The Daleks in no.13 and 94.
    Dave Walker

  2. Regarding The Daleks specifically, DW, there was definitely a difference in style between Richard Jennings' and Ron Turner's interpretations of the metal-clad mutants, but both versions were of a good quality, art-wise. With the Special Edition though, some of the art just didn't cut the mustard in my opinion, making the issue a bit hit and miss.


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