Thursday, 4 June 2020


I mentioned this robot on MOONBASE CENTRAL blog not long ago, but I couldn't recall where he was stored.  Luckily, I rediscovered him by accident when looking through a box for something else, so here he is.  He's a robot sharpener, and once you've sharpened your pencil, you place a key in the same hole and wind him up (no, not by insulting his robotic parentage) and watch him walk around.  A great wee toy - and a useful implement as well.  What's not to like?


  1. Superb Kid, the epitome of robotics. Useful and appealing! A Robby no less! Its interesting that the same hole is used both for sharpening and winding. I wonder if a pencil could be the winder on something? I had a robot clock for many years who gave excellent service. Alas, car booted. PS. I must watch Robby's other flick, the Invisible Boy. Never seen it. Have you?

  2. Tried to wind it with a pencil, Woodsy, but it doesn't work. There must be something about the key that operates the winding mechanism just inside the hole. Can't remember now whether I've actually seen The Invisible Boy or not, but I remember seeing the poster for it sometime last century in an issue or Annual of Starburst. The top half of Robby appeared in an episode of Columbo - or was that B-9? I think it was Robby.


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