Saturday 20 June 2020


Copyright DC COMICS

Here's a nice facsimile issue worth having - MYSTERY IN SPACE #75.  An interesting tale, despite a needless bit of convoluted continuity-jumping that could've been bypassed by a couple of speech balloons being dialogued differently.

In case you're wondering, The FLASH (says a footnote) proposed that ADAM STRANGE be allowed to join The JUSTICE LEAGUE Of AMERICA in an earlier issue of JLA (#4), but that this current story (MIS #75) takes place before that ish.  There's absolutely no need for this continuity blip that I can see, so who knows what writer GARDNER FOX was thinking when he concocted this caper.

Anyway, the reproduction of the main tale is top-notch, having been reprinted before for other presentations from newly-coloured sources (in accordance with the original colour palette), but the ads and filler pages are scanned from a 1961 published issue and aren't quite as bright and clear as the story pages.

That said, it perfectly captures the feel of the period and would make a worthwhile addition to your collection, so track one down right away.  (It also contains a missive from PAUL GAMBACCINI in the letters page.)    


  1. In Justice League of America #4, they debated inducting a new member. (Apparently, their bylaws allowed one new admission at a time.) One of the names considered (suggested by the Flash) was Adam Strange.

    IIUC, DC received complaints in their letters-to-the-editor column that there was no reason why the Flash or any other Justice League members would have heard of Strange. He was not a celebrity in the DC Universe. So "Planet That Came To a Standstill" was cooked up as a prequel to explain that the League had met him.

    BTW, in JLA #4, they ended up inducting Green Arrow.

  2. Thanks, TC. I'd already done a little research on the issue and knew about Green Arrow being inducted, and that Adam Strange was only mentioned by name, not shown. However, the retroactive explanation was a bit clumsily executed I thought. It would've been easier just to have the League recognise Adam and then had a footnote saying something like 'We'll tell the story of how the JLA and Adam Strange first met in a future issue', instead of shoehorning it into #75's story.

  3. I should pick this up. I have the comic but I every time I open it and read it I feel I might be damaging it know what I mean .

  4. I know exactly what you mean, PS. You should buy too copies, in case you feel you might be damaging your new facsimile edition when you're reading it. (I bought two.) Then you'd have your original, a facsimile for reading, and another facsimile just to look brand-new.

  5. ..."the reproduction of the main tale is top-notch, having been reprinted before for other presentations from newly-coloured sources (in accordance with the original colour palette)"...

    I find the facsimile editions from both DC and Marvel to be great value and I enjoyed this issue (although Kanjar-Ro does look a little too similar to an extraterrestrial train-spotter for comfort) but it does bug me slightly that the paper stock is heavier than the original and the colours more garish.

    The reprints both companies did in the 1970's ("Wanted", "Secret Origins", etc) were much more accurate - and these are meant to be facsimiles...

  6. I suppose the DC paper stock is heavier because it's perhaps better quality and will resist the ravages of time better than the original newsprint. I like the fact that the colour registration is about as good as you'll get (unless the pages are scanned from old comics). As far as the Marvel facsimiles go, the paper isn't actually glossy, it's just that the ink 'shines' (i.e. - reflects the light) on top of it for some reason.

    Some of the DC facsimiles are better than others, on account of some being scanned from published comics, and others using pre-existing better quality proofs prepared for earlier reprints. Again, where the colours appear garish, I think it's due to the paper they're printed on as opposed to the way they've been re-coloured.

    But yeah, I love them too. Thanks for commenting, SEE.


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