Saturday 2 May 2020


A whopping 37 years ago I bought the above single.  There was a jump in it, but for some now forgotten reason I didn't take it back to the shop from which I'd purchased it, but sent it back to the record company with a cover note explaining the problem.  It occurred to me at the time to retain the picture cover just in case they sent me a record back without it, but then I thought that they'd surely replace like with like - that would be the correct thing to do.

How wrong can a fella be?!  The replacement, when it arrived, was inside a plain white sleeve and I must admit that I felt a bit cheated.  Anyway, I've still got that original replacement single, but recently I saw one with the cover as I first had it on eBay, and bought it.  The photo above is not the actual one I bought (mine is in slightly better condition - I hope), but it will do to illustrate this post as the one winging its way to me even as I type was pictured at an angle in its eBay listing and didn't meet my photo requirements.

When it arrives I'll make a duplicate of the cover for my original record and thereby turn the clock back to 1983 (sort of).  Okay, so then I'll have two copies of this record, but I can live with that as I own numerous items of which I have more than one.  (It's always good to have a spare.)  I always get a buzz from making things as they were or as they should be, especially when it takes decades as it feels like finally fulfilling some unfinished task in some way.  Okay, okay, that's maybe overstating the case, but I trust you know what I mean.

Some of you are probably wondering why I'd choose this as a subject to blog about - would anyone really be interested in reading this kind of self-indulgent pish?  I'm sure you'll let me know, but when one runs a blog, one feels a responsibility to provide something to read for those inquisitive souls who visit regularly in the hope of filling a few spare moments in their day.  I may not always hit the mark, but you've gotta give me credit for trying - though money would be better, so feel free to send as much as you can afford.  (Don't panic - only joshing with ya!)

And whaddya know?!  I've just learned they performed it on TOP Of The POPS, so that's it below.  (The volume of George Cole's mic seems to be a bit low though.)


  1. I don't think I ever watched Minder but I know the theme tune was "I Could Be So Good For You" (which was a Top 10 hit) and "'er indoors" became a famous phrase (in fact, I heard somebody on Radio 4 using it to describe his wife just a few days ago). Was 'er indoors ever seen or did she remain a mystery like Captain Mainwaring's wife on Dad's Army?

  2. Arthur probably made the term 'er indoors more widely known across the country, CJ, but it had been well-used in certain parts of London for decades, I'm sure. According to Wikipedia, Arthur's wife was never seen or heard throughout the entire series.

  3. Always a pleasure reading your posts and remember watching Minder when it started in 1979(I think).It really clicked at the time and was a breath of fresh air on ITV.It was different and it actually seemed as if the writing was of a higher standard than other contemporary shows,in my opinion.Also it showcased London which I always liked seeing,which reminds me of 'Randall and Hopkirk:Deceased'which caught a moment in time as the 60's ended and the 70's began.Love the way your posts can lead anywhwere!

  4. Thanks, Triple F, good to know that I'm doing something right. Incidentally, I've now added the pair's appearance on Top Of The Pops when they performed (no lip-syncing) the 'song' in 1983. Yes, Minder was a great show, produced by Verity Lambert, Dr. Who's (and Adam Adamant's) original producer. We must feel sorry for poor CJ, above, who's never seen an episode. What's he been doing with his life for all these years?

  5. I once owned not one but two copies of the 7" single of Dennis Waterman singing the theme tune from Minder, both ex-jukebox records and both bought in different shops several years apart (I bought the second one cos I had thought my original lost- turns out it had been borrowed).

    That's something I get nostalgic about- the days I would go to second- hand record shops and find stacks of ex-jukebox singles being sold for pennies- I got a record of Rod Stewart singing the Beatles song Get Back that way, and it's surprisingly good!

  6. I've still got my theme from Minder, DS - in its picture sleeve too. For some reason I've got two copies of the theme for Auf Wiedersehen Pet. I think one came free with the theme for the second series. Again, in their picture sleeves. When I lived in Southsea, there was a second-hand record shop called Jack's, from which I got quite a few old singles - still got 'em too. If I recall rightly, Jack's later moved to premises in Fratton.


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