Monday 18 May 2020



Sometimes something happens that restores your faith in human nature.  Or even 'business' nature for that matter.  REBELLION's TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS have just sent me a free replacement for The COMPLETE JOHNNY FUTURE volume that every superhero comic strip fan in the world should have, and it's about as perfect as I could wish for.  (My previous copy was slightly damaged.)  Consequently, I'm as happy as a pig in the soft smelly brown stuff.

You all know that I'm quick to point out when some companies don't live up to expectations, but I hope I'm at least just as quick to say when other companies do the right thing - or even better than the right thing as Rebellion have done in this case.  So far I've bought three copies of this book (one from Rebellion, two from AMAZON) in my quest for a pristine copy, meaning I've now spent just over £60 (actually £70 counting postage) on the same tome, but I've been waiting decades for this book and wasn't prepared to accept anything less than near-perfection.

Well, I've now got my almost-perfect copy and I wanted everyone to know what a great service Rebellion provides in rectifying matters when things go wrong.  They now have a fresh supply of this very handsome volume, which can be obtained by clicking on this link.  If you don't have this book, you should have, so order yourself a copy today!  You'll be glad you did.   


  1. Christopher Nevell19 May 2020 at 08:24

    It’s a great volume and I’m pleased they’re making the most of their purchase of the archive.

  2. I'd love to see Tri-Man, Adam Eterno, The Gauntlet Of Fate, Simon Test, etc. What would you like to see next, CN?

  3. I'm too young to remember Johnny Future or any of the others mentioned.

  4. Nobody over 50 can ever be described as 'too young', CJ, but I know what you mean. However, you're only JUST 'too young'. You can get the Kindle version for £9.99, but a solid book is far better. Why not treat yourself?

  5. Christopher Nevell20 May 2020 at 07:14

    I’m a tad younger than you Kid so I’m looking out for Badtime Bedtime Stories, a Whizzer book released at the same time as a Chips book (both with raids in each other’s volumes) plus more creator led volumes. By the way, well done on your Third World War lettering- Pat Mills had a lot to say didn’t he. I hope you were paid by the word!

  6. If only, CN. Per page unfortunately. I was still trying to find a lettering style I was happy with on that strip, so I cringe a bit when I see it. I'd like to see a Reg Parlett volume, with Mowser and Billy Bunter, etc. Parlett knew how to draw funny.

  7. A Volume of Adam Eterno would be Great, Spellbinder too.

  8. Yes indeedy, RD - I'd certainly buy them.


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